Saturday, August 18, 2007

What I'm working on, in sequence

Recently people are asking me to promote their books for a percentage of their royalties or review their book or assess their case against a corporate bully. RIGHT NOW I don't have time to work on speculation or do any free book reading or write reviews. I want to get my own urgent projects completed so I can leave St. Catharines and get going on my promotional tour.
I would prefer to have support for my project rather than unpaid distractions; which means I AM AVAILABLE to accept small, quick, paid assignments like 30 minute consults, and I can deliver e-books you want to order.

Here is my revised list of tasks in order of first to last that will be completed before I take on more big projects...

1. Promote my essay contest (to win my condo) to the press and media and receive lots of entries from good people who want a lovely free home.
2. Finish painting and staging the entire condo so it looks great for the person or family who wins it.
3. Finish writing my book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million: 150 Smart Ways Leading Authorities Earn More Money and So Can You.
4. Update my web sites with new pages to promote my new book, condo contest, and advice column.
5. Sell 3,500 prepublication copies of my e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million, to raise the $152,000 needed to pay off the mortgage and closing costs for the winner.
6. Turn my paper reports and manuals into e-books, to be able to deliver them to readers faster.
7. Promote my self-syndicated business advice column to newspapers.
8. Outfit and organize the interior of my van so I can live in and work from it for a year after I give away the condo.

Then I can take on your long-range project. Your comments?