Friday, August 17, 2007

The silence is deafening

Last evening I had conversations with two men in my building, both owners, who have web sites promoting their businesses. (Remember I have been forbidden by my condo board to own a web site and have had my income destroyed for the past 10 months.) One man owns a thriving cleaning business, the other is a musician who created a CD right in his unit. I am so angry that it's OK for men in my building to own online businesses from the units they own, but I, a woman, am not. That smacks of discrimination.... and that my friends is unconstitutional. Boys and girls, can you say L-A-W-S-U-I-T?

The other thing that baffles me... there has been no response to my offer to give away my condo, fully furnished, in my contest. Is that because you don't believe I'm serious... or because you don't like how I've been treated by the board? Be assured, nobody else is being treated badly, just me. The mere fact that I have come up with the idea of holding a contest to give away a valuable home that is mortgage-free, tells you that I am an unusual person with unconventional ideas. So you can see why the board of directors, comprised of 5 stodgy, punitive people, would take a dislike to me. But there will be a new board of directors as of September 5. One has resigned one year into his 3 year term, #2 finished her one year term and will not stand again, #3 does not attend meetings and should step down or be replaced, #4 I don't know about, and #5 is expected to stay another year, but I think she needs to read Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms and step down.

Honestly, you aren't the least bit interested in winning a free condo which is next-door to Niagara Falls and 15 minutes from the New York State border? You'd be 70 miles from downtown Toronto. Talk to me. Send your entry to: