Friday, August 24, 2007

"And I suppose you've got swamp land in Florida to sell me, too"

That's what my neighbor just said to me when I told him I'm giving my condo away in a contest. Ouch. How could anyone think that I would be like that? I'm crushed.

And when I got my hair cut today, and I told my stylist that I was invited to speak on the "ins and outs of essay contests", she curled her lip. "That's boring," she pronounced. Double ouch.

I think those are signs that I should keep silent about the condo giveaway essay contest and see if anyone finds it from here on in. I'm just going to promote 1) my book, 2) my advice column and 3) the online speaker directory and let the condo contest make it or break it without any further promotional effort on my part. If it's meant to be it will take on a life of its own.

PS This won't mean much to some of you, but I bought "silver" insulation for my van today so this weekend I can adhere it to the interior so it won't be so hot in the summer or so cold in the winter. All the better for camping and traveling. I just have to keep moving forward with my plan to leave here.