Sunday, August 5, 2007

My weight loss challenge - you can help me.

Both of my doctors have urged me to lose weight; 50 pounds is recommended. I put the weight on first out of a need to change my appearance so I wouldn't be easily recognized, then to cushion myself from further "attacks". I decided to go bigger to look less attractive and to fit in with my neighbors at the time. I also let my hair turn grey without trying to keep up my natural auburn color. Now that I'm safer I need to get healthy again. Healthy is not carrying around an extra 50 pounds that just puts a strain on my heart and other organs.

I figure I can lose 5 pounds a month for the next 10 months. I've cut out a lof of sugar from my diet - no more ice cream, cookies or chocolate - and I'm eating more protein and vegetables, and drinking more water. I'm bike riding longer distances and more often. When the heat wave is over I'll add Pilates and Yoga to my routine. In the meantime I need some motivation to keep going. Here is where you come in. Give me some good reasons for losing weight... in terms of benefits.Here are some I've come up with.

When I lose weight.....

1. I won't bump into door frames so often.
2. It will be easier to get up into the driver's seat.
3. My clothes will fit and look better.
4. Men might actually look at me.
5. Men might actually ask me out on a date.
6. It will be easier to stand up from a squat position (when painting, etc.) without grunting.
7. I'll like seeing myself in the mirror.
8. I won't cringe when I see myself on the surveillance monitor at the bank.
9. I won't look 6 months pregnant anymore (I'm not).
10. I may look younger than I do now.
11. I'll be able to accept invitations to appear on national TV with confidence.
12. I'll have more energy and stamina.
13. I'll probably live longer.
14. It really will be the Spreading Prosperity Tour and not the Spreading Posterior Tour!

Please add more benefits I'll enjoy by losing 50 pounds of excess weight that you can think of. Thanks for supporting me.