Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm disappearing for a month to finish writing my book

I spilled coffee on my MacBook today when I lost my balance and fell into my chair at my desk, so it is drying out while I use my old iMac to stay connected to the Internet. I fell last Friday too. Right in front of the supermarket. Tripped on the curb. Fell hard on my right knee and heels of both palms. Rolled onto my back and couldn't get up. Some nice younger man held out his hand and pulled me up. I was dazed for a few hours, but my recovery was nearly miraculous. A lot of swelling but no fractures, no scraped skin, and almost no bruising. For hitting the pavement so hard there should have been more damage and pain. Maybe it was endorphins.

My own fault... I saw the safety paint, but just didn't pick up my feet. Nothing wrong with me... I'm just stressed and not paying attention. I'm too distracted by everybody else's needs and need some time to manage my own needs.

There is a list of my own projects on the bottom of my home page. You can see what I have completed so far by the checkmarks. This next week I'll finish updating the important pages on so I can generate more book sales.

The rest of October will be devoted to researching and writing my book. That $152,000 I needed to raise to be able to give away my condo is now $170,000. Putting aside my own projects is costing me money and stress.

I ask you to be on "my Dream Team" by buying my book. Membership in Commission Free Speakers comes with purchase. Getting out so I can be on my way depends on my selling 2,000 copies of Your Wisdom is Worth a Million. I must write it quickly but I can't focus if I'm distracted by other assignments. I can afford to take only one more month to do it. I had planned to be out of here September 1st and now I worry I'll be stuck here for the winter. So I'm asking everyone's indulgence until Hallowe'en while I put all my energy and attention into this one urgent project.

Feel free to send me notes of encouragement and support over the month of October. Edible treats are always welcome and good for the soul (just not for the waistline.)

And don't forget to enter my condo giveaway contest.

PS I think the MacBook is going to be OK. But the LCD screen will have some water marks on one side. I'll have to live with it... the cost to replace is about 1/2 the cost of the laptop.