Monday, November 12, 2007

I'm sick, so I started another business....

There I lay on the sofa feeling like crap, sweating with fever and wishing someone would take care of me. I realized I've been taking care of others since I was 6. It's been 52 years of taking care of others. The next 52 years will be different. So I sketched out a business on a scrap of paper as I watched the movie Fargo for the first time. Today I created the web site so people like me and you can get someone to take care of them on a temporary basis.

I have ressurrected my Handy Ande business to promote anyone with a kind heart and a willingness to look after others for a few hours... with pay, of course. But none of this keeping 50% of the revenues as agencies do. All the HANDY ANDE providers will have varying skills, experience and hourly rates. Yes, there will be a $49 annual membership fee, but most will be able to make that back within a short time. You don't have to have degrees or certificates, but I will be offering ELP (Endorsed Local Provider) training and an online forum for ELP trainees.

I've posted the skeleton of a web site to give you an idea, but haven't posted any services. I'll be making checklists for Pet Services, People Services and Home Services. If you're interested, you can start with a free trial listing... but it will be without your name and contact info. Naturally, I want you to switch to membership status.

And if you sell a product that might be appropriate, contact me. I'll be offering classified ads for $10 a month.

Check out my work-in-progress web site.