Yesterday I had a migraine headache and had so much hammering from the neighbors upstairs AND from the other side of my bedroom wall that I had to escape from my own home to find peace and quiet outdoors and in my van. I also heard a loud bang on my balcony's steel rail and saw that a 2 foot long piece of wood had fallen from the workman above me. Had that hit someone below it could have caused a head laceration or a concussion. I've endured 6-7 weeks of this every day, including Sundays, and have reached my limit. I've been waiting to paint my balcony for all this time but don't want to get sawdust stuck in the wet paint.
So, I've made a decision... I'm going to give away my condo. Yes, a 3 bedroom condo, fully furnished with beds and linens, and towels, and dishes, and lamps and glassware, and good china. Whoever wins my condo, can move in immediately.
What's the catch? I have to sell 3,500 of my "Your Wisdom is Worth a Million" e-books. This is not a raffle, which makes many people uncomfortable. Any adult is welcome to enter with a list of "Ten Reasons Why I Deserve to Win Andrea's Condo in St. Catharines". I will choose the winning entry based on a number of factors: originality, sincerity, passion, and integrity.
While no purchase is necessary to enter, and no purchase will enhance your chances of winning, I can only give the condo away if I have sold 3,500 books at $49 each ($45 net after transaction fees). Once I have the 150 page book completed and am ready to deliver it to buyers, the price of the book will increase to $89. Raising the price can reduce the number of books I must sell. Click on today's heading for details and order info about the book.
I am hoping that people will want to buy a copy, or copies, not just to help me out financially - remember I've had to forfeit an income for the past 10 years because of unusual circumstances - but that they will buy copies because they truly want to learn the valuable financial information contained in the pages. The faster I am able to sell 3,500 copies, the sooner I can give the condo away and the sooner I can get out on the road and start a new chapter in my life. (Pun intended.)
What will I do with the money from book sales? Nearly all of it will pay off the $126,000 mortgage, the $6,000 mortgage penalty for early termination of the mortgage, the $13,000 worth of debts I have accumulated because my condo association's board won't allow me to earn an income, and the $9,000 loan on my van. After paying for all the things I need (lawyer's fees, passport, resident card, auto club membership, generator, monthly storage fees, etc.) I will be lucky to start off on my odyssey with $500 to $1,000 in hand. I will be home-less, but debt-free with a clean slate, ready to generate $500,000.
There will be an FAQ on my web site in the next few weeks. In the meantime, feel free to post a comment or a question below. I'll answer them in this blog as well as in the contest FAQ on my banned web site.
If I cannot sell 3,500 copies of my book, and the months drag on, I may have to abandon the "contest" for a cash sale. The point of the contest is to find a new owner faster and get on the road faster. I'm drafting a news release to send to newspapers, radio and TV stations next week. So you have advance knowledge of my contest. If you want a free condo send me your entry. Plain text email is good; attachments are NOT good. Full contact info is good; anonymous entries will be disqualified.