I'm not talking about over-spending or getting into debt. I'm talking about undervaluing your work and leaving money on the table. This has been on my mind for several years because so many people claim they can't afford to hire me. Nearly every person who inquires about my services shows me they are underearners. I know they are not just being cheap. When I ask people why they don't earn enough to pay their bills or invest in themselves, these are some of the answers I receive....
1. I don't deserve to earn that much.
2. It's not Christian to charge for my services.
3. My family/siblings/parents/spouse would be upset if earned more money.
4. I don't want to have to pay tax on higher earnings.
5. I'm not willing to change how I operate my business.
6. I've paid for and followed all the advice in the branding and Internet marketing books and I lost money.
7. I turned my business into a nonprofit so I can't make a profit.
8. I don't know how.
I'm stupefied by how smart people deliberately diminish their earning power... and then expect people like me to do the same on their behalf! I'd love to help them all... but I'd expect to be paid!
I've been thinking that perhaps I should go into practice as a coach helping people make more income, but then I realize that's pretty much what I've been doing for 30 years.... and few people are willing to pay me for my help!
What do you think?
Do you have an interest in earning more, moving from financial crisis to financial comfort?
Would you take an online class to learn how to generate more money doing what you love?
Why or why not? How much would you be willing to pay to attend?
Would you really do the work to change your earning capacity?
What's your biggest money problem?
I'll post the top ten money problems here with no names or identities.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My review comment of new book on condo buying
You may know my "challenges" with the board of directors of my condo. (They have forbidden me to have a web site and sell my e-books online.)
The irony is I was asked to review Kay Senay's new book, Condo Buying and Ownership Made Simple. My review comment appears at the bottom of this page (click on heading above.) You can purchase it online as an e-book or buy the print version.

It's a tremendous book... I can't say enough about it. Kay is brilliant. I discovered so much about condos from Kay's work that will be useful in my own situation. Nobody should buy a condo without reading this book. Spending $10 or $15 could save you thousands of dollars and a lot of disappointment or consternation later.
The irony is I was asked to review Kay Senay's new book, Condo Buying and Ownership Made Simple. My review comment appears at the bottom of this page (click on heading above.) You can purchase it online as an e-book or buy the print version.

It's a tremendous book... I can't say enough about it. Kay is brilliant. I discovered so much about condos from Kay's work that will be useful in my own situation. Nobody should buy a condo without reading this book. Spending $10 or $15 could save you thousands of dollars and a lot of disappointment or consternation later.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Conrad Black is sentenced to 6.5 years in prison today
I don't know if I should admit that many years ago- maybe 25 years - Canadian Business Magazine gave me, and many others who had made national news that year, a tongue-in-cheek Connie Award, named for press baron Conrad Black, for outstanding contribution to Canadian capitalism. I thought it was funny at the time; now I'm not so sure. It was the Don't-Drink-From-the-Fingerbowl -Award as a result of publication of my first book, The Executive's Guide to Professional Image Consultants in Canada. Perhaps I should get writing so my next book will win a more prestigious award named for a more reputable person.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The speaker directory has a new look
See for yourself. www.CommissionFreeSpeakers.com (Click on the heading above for the link.)
I made the change because I thought the previous look was too dark (somber) and the navigation was too clunky. Now the speakers names are prominent in the left column on each page and the menu is at the top. Everything should be easier to find now.
If you have paid for a listing please send me your speaker data for your profile so I can post it. As soon as 25 speaker profiles are posted I will promote to the press and media. I'd like them to be able to find you... in case they will want to interview you. If you want to be one of those first 25 speakers, please join as soon as possible.
I made the change because I thought the previous look was too dark (somber) and the navigation was too clunky. Now the speakers names are prominent in the left column on each page and the menu is at the top. Everything should be easier to find now.
If you have paid for a listing please send me your speaker data for your profile so I can post it. As soon as 25 speaker profiles are posted I will promote to the press and media. I'd like them to be able to find you... in case they will want to interview you. If you want to be one of those first 25 speakers, please join as soon as possible.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Trial run - I'm going to Pennsyvania - meet me?
I'm taking short runs to iron out the kinks of traveling in a van. On Wed. I'm driving between St. Catharines Ontario and Erie PA. I'll be right near the Millcreek Mall which is large, so if you live in Canada and need something from the US, let me know. If you're along the corridor I'll be driving on Wed. and want me to stop and visit for a chat, send me a note. I'm driving along the QEW to Lewiston - hoping my new US passport has arrived finally, then I'll get on I-90 West and drive to the I-79 exit where I get off. If we - my cat and I - encounter a snow storm we may stop driving and seek a place to spend the night... in the van. That's the plan for a year, so this will be a trial run. It should be interesting.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Pay what you can... shades of Radiohead
If Radiohead can say buy our album and pay what you want, so can I... given the Thanksgiving and holiday season.
Not everyone can afford my consulting rates so I have decided to make an across-the-board offer to pay me WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD for my advice and services until January 1, 2008. Now, if you are financially loaded and can afford to pay me this is not really appropriate for you. But some of you are earning an income that is close to or way below the poverty line and are reluctant to ask me to accept less than my stated fees. I've been there so I'm sympathetic. This is your chance to take advantage of reduced rates without insulting me or feeling embarrassed.
Go to any of my web sites and MAKE ME AN OFFER.
Handy Ande AndreaReynolds.com/handyande/
You can book a phone consult, have me review your news release or your marketing plan, join my speaker directory, buy a program. Look around, see what would help you the most, and send me a note to make your offer. I may accept, I may counter-offer, I may decline. (I will reject "free".) Make a good case and I'll listen.
Andrea Reynolds
Not everyone can afford my consulting rates so I have decided to make an across-the-board offer to pay me WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD for my advice and services until January 1, 2008. Now, if you are financially loaded and can afford to pay me this is not really appropriate for you. But some of you are earning an income that is close to or way below the poverty line and are reluctant to ask me to accept less than my stated fees. I've been there so I'm sympathetic. This is your chance to take advantage of reduced rates without insulting me or feeling embarrassed.
Go to any of my web sites and MAKE ME AN OFFER.
Handy Ande AndreaReynolds.com/handyande/
You can book a phone consult, have me review your news release or your marketing plan, join my speaker directory, buy a program. Look around, see what would help you the most, and send me a note to make your offer. I may accept, I may counter-offer, I may decline. (I will reject "free".) Make a good case and I'll listen.
Andrea Reynolds
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
If you're willing to work for extra income, have a trial listing on Handy Ande
I'm ready to start posting trial listings on Handy Ande for anyone who wants to generate extra income helping others. Send me the answers to the questions on this page: http://www.andreareynolds.com/handyande/listing.html (Or click on today's heading.)
There's no charge for a trial listing (but there's no contact info posted) and you can upgrade at any time to full membership. If someone wants to hire you before you become a member, I'll contact you. I don't take a commission from your payment. (My income will come from paid memberships.)
My interest is threefold: 1) find people who can offer services to those who need support (like me), 2) help those who need extra income to get out, or stay out of debt, or just make ends meet, and 3) make an income for myself that will allow me to have a little nest egg to live on in my old age.
I am writing a news release that I will send out by American Thanksgiving, so the press and media will give exposure to anyone who is visible on the web site. Be there or not... but if you can use a little extra spending money for Christmas... and if you really care about people and it shows in your demeanor and attitude, then feel free to send me your data for posting.
I am still working at letting the condo go and taking a year to spread prosperty through North America by taking to the road, and now Handy Ande will be the impetus behind it.
There's no charge for a trial listing (but there's no contact info posted) and you can upgrade at any time to full membership. If someone wants to hire you before you become a member, I'll contact you. I don't take a commission from your payment. (My income will come from paid memberships.)
My interest is threefold: 1) find people who can offer services to those who need support (like me), 2) help those who need extra income to get out, or stay out of debt, or just make ends meet, and 3) make an income for myself that will allow me to have a little nest egg to live on in my old age.
I am writing a news release that I will send out by American Thanksgiving, so the press and media will give exposure to anyone who is visible on the web site. Be there or not... but if you can use a little extra spending money for Christmas... and if you really care about people and it shows in your demeanor and attitude, then feel free to send me your data for posting.
I am still working at letting the condo go and taking a year to spread prosperty through North America by taking to the road, and now Handy Ande will be the impetus behind it.
Monday, November 12, 2007
I'm sick, so I started another business....
There I lay on the sofa feeling like crap, sweating with fever and wishing someone would take care of me. I realized I've been taking care of others since I was 6. It's been 52 years of taking care of others. The next 52 years will be different. So I sketched out a business on a scrap of paper as I watched the movie Fargo for the first time. Today I created the web site so people like me and you can get someone to take care of them on a temporary basis.
I have ressurrected my Handy Ande business to promote anyone with a kind heart and a willingness to look after others for a few hours... with pay, of course. But none of this keeping 50% of the revenues as agencies do. All the HANDY ANDE providers will have varying skills, experience and hourly rates. Yes, there will be a $49 annual membership fee, but most will be able to make that back within a short time. You don't have to have degrees or certificates, but I will be offering ELP (Endorsed Local Provider) training and an online forum for ELP trainees.
I've posted the skeleton of a web site to give you an idea, but haven't posted any services. I'll be making checklists for Pet Services, People Services and Home Services. If you're interested, you can start with a free trial listing... but it will be without your name and contact info. Naturally, I want you to switch to membership status.
And if you sell a product that might be appropriate, contact me. I'll be offering classified ads for $10 a month.
Check out my work-in-progress web site. http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/handyande/
I have ressurrected my Handy Ande business to promote anyone with a kind heart and a willingness to look after others for a few hours... with pay, of course. But none of this keeping 50% of the revenues as agencies do. All the HANDY ANDE providers will have varying skills, experience and hourly rates. Yes, there will be a $49 annual membership fee, but most will be able to make that back within a short time. You don't have to have degrees or certificates, but I will be offering ELP (Endorsed Local Provider) training and an online forum for ELP trainees.
I've posted the skeleton of a web site to give you an idea, but haven't posted any services. I'll be making checklists for Pet Services, People Services and Home Services. If you're interested, you can start with a free trial listing... but it will be without your name and contact info. Naturally, I want you to switch to membership status.
And if you sell a product that might be appropriate, contact me. I'll be offering classified ads for $10 a month.
Check out my work-in-progress web site. http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/handyande/
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I've added more crisis services to my web site
Besides quick email advice (15 min.) and phone advice, I'm offering office counseling (25 min. and 50 min.), advice over lunch, and crisis clinics (group brainstorming). Later I'll be able to add crisis clinic on wheels (across North America), and perhaps a radio advice show and a crisis column.
Check out the new pages on CrisisBrainstorm.com (click on the heading above.)
Check out the new pages on CrisisBrainstorm.com (click on the heading above.)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
What do you think of women from the Philippines?
This is way off my topic I know but I've been thinking about this recently. Once recognized as a relationship expert by the press and media I am always thinking about things like cross-cultural relationships. An old episode of Art Bell's show was on Coast to Coast AM this weekend. He is now enjoying marriage and new baby with his second Filipina wife. I wondered: what is it about Filipina women? Why are they so considered so desirable as wives by North American and Australian men?
I found this on another blog (click on title above): "...a Filipina has integrity. She is trustworthy, caring, loyal, respectful and non-confrontational (meaning they will not confront you in front of other people to avoid embarassment.)"
Sounds like what we could all aspire to.
I know there is an image of Filipinas as pen-pals and wannabe brides, but maybe they deserve a second look and more respect. If they bring those traits to our countries won't our societies only benefit from how they behave and teach their children? From what I have read family is everything to a Filipino woman. That can only be good.
I'd love to hear your comments.
I found this on another blog (click on title above): "...a Filipina has integrity. She is trustworthy, caring, loyal, respectful and non-confrontational (meaning they will not confront you in front of other people to avoid embarassment.)"
Sounds like what we could all aspire to.
I know there is an image of Filipinas as pen-pals and wannabe brides, but maybe they deserve a second look and more respect. If they bring those traits to our countries won't our societies only benefit from how they behave and teach their children? From what I have read family is everything to a Filipino woman. That can only be good.
I'd love to hear your comments.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Read my letter to Britney Spears
I've been receiving shouts of "You got it right" and "Well said!" See if you agree. http://www.CrisisBrainstorm.com/britney.html
You can see that I'm finally rebuilding the web site. It has been neglected since I left Pennsylvania 2.5 years ago. And I'm gearing up the site for working on the road: Crisis Clinic on Wheels, and doing more investigative work for people who are being mistreated by corporate and governmental bodies.
I'm also now offering a quick consult for $16.95 for little "crises" by email. Recently I answered a sex question. I used to answer questions on my talk radio show. I'd forgotten how much I loved doing that. I may post a few of my responses.
You can see that I'm finally rebuilding the web site. It has been neglected since I left Pennsylvania 2.5 years ago. And I'm gearing up the site for working on the road: Crisis Clinic on Wheels, and doing more investigative work for people who are being mistreated by corporate and governmental bodies.
I'm also now offering a quick consult for $16.95 for little "crises" by email. Recently I answered a sex question. I used to answer questions on my talk radio show. I'd forgotten how much I loved doing that. I may post a few of my responses.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
If you were planning to buy my book, you can now win my services and books too!
I made a decision yesterday to make my book promotion campaign more interesting to generate the funds needed to give away my 3 bedroom Condo. Visit my web site's home page to find the links. Click on the heading above.
Profit from my generosity. Buy my next e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million, and...

1. Free membership for a year on my international online speaker directory, CommissionFreeSpeakers.com ($89 value)
2. Chances to win (1 in 2,000) my marketing consulting services and advice:
1st Prize: Two weeks of my marketing consulting services at your office location. ($24,500 value)
2nd Prize: One week of my marketing consulting services at your office location. ($12,250 value)
3rd Prize: $500 worth of my publications.
My goal is to sell 2,000 book as quickly as possible, the income to fund my furnished condo giveaway essay contest so that someone who can't afford a home will have one. Read the story behind this unconventional campaign. I'm taking several months off work to promote this book. The book will now be ready for distribution January 1, 2008.
Profit from my generosity. Buy my next e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million, and...

1. Free membership for a year on my international online speaker directory, CommissionFreeSpeakers.com ($89 value)
2. Chances to win (1 in 2,000) my marketing consulting services and advice:
1st Prize: Two weeks of my marketing consulting services at your office location. ($24,500 value)
2nd Prize: One week of my marketing consulting services at your office location. ($12,250 value)
3rd Prize: $500 worth of my publications.
My goal is to sell 2,000 book as quickly as possible, the income to fund my furnished condo giveaway essay contest so that someone who can't afford a home will have one. Read the story behind this unconventional campaign. I'm taking several months off work to promote this book. The book will now be ready for distribution January 1, 2008.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I am re-writing my Last Will and looking for beneficiaries
Now, I don't mean to be morbid and I don't plan to shuffle off this mortal coil any time soon, but should it happen suddenly, I want my legal instructions to be complete and in writing. Being single and having no children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews or cousins I'm finding it difficult to find people to inherit my estate. Most of my friends are older and have no interest in my things.
Two items that have me stumped are COPYRIGHTS and WEB SITES. I'm thinking I would like to appoint a publisher to produce how-to books from my documents and create a foundation from my share of the revenues. If you're a publisher and are interested, I'd like to hear from you. If you are interested in inheriting any of my 4 web sites (including domain names) I would like you to tell me why I should bequeath them to you. Those domains and sites are:
HandyAnde.com www.AndreaReynolds.com/handyande
If you have any ideas for disposal and distribution of my assets, send me a message.
Andrea (who is healthy and optimistic)
Two items that have me stumped are COPYRIGHTS and WEB SITES. I'm thinking I would like to appoint a publisher to produce how-to books from my documents and create a foundation from my share of the revenues. If you're a publisher and are interested, I'd like to hear from you. If you are interested in inheriting any of my 4 web sites (including domain names) I would like you to tell me why I should bequeath them to you. Those domains and sites are:
HandyAnde.com www.AndreaReynolds.com/handyande
If you have any ideas for disposal and distribution of my assets, send me a message.
Andrea (who is healthy and optimistic)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
How can I get Episode 83 of sitcom "What I Like About You"?
The compatibility test mentioned below in the final season was my booklet, No Surprises: 365 Critical Questions You Need to Ask Each Other Before Yo Marry, held by Val (Jenny Garth). Click on the blog title above for more info about my booklet.
I'd love to get a copy - it wasn't released on DVD. Anybody know who to contact to get one for my portfolio?
It's only co-incidental that the writer also has the last name Reynolds.
Here's the data:
83. Garden State
First aired: 3/3/2006 Production Code: 177989
Val panics when she learns that she and Vic were not legally married. Required to wait 24 hours by City Hall before they are allowed to have a civil ceremony, they decide to take a compatibility test, resulting in a fight about how many kids each of them want to eventually have. Meanwhile, Holly is worried she broke up with Vince too quickly, but having spent time at Vic's family reunion, she realizes she did the right thing.
Writer: Jim Reynolds
Director: Shelley Jensen
Guest star: Dan Cortese (Vic)
I'd love to get a copy - it wasn't released on DVD. Anybody know who to contact to get one for my portfolio?
It's only co-incidental that the writer also has the last name Reynolds.
Here's the data:
83. Garden State
First aired: 3/3/2006 Production Code: 177989
Val panics when she learns that she and Vic were not legally married. Required to wait 24 hours by City Hall before they are allowed to have a civil ceremony, they decide to take a compatibility test, resulting in a fight about how many kids each of them want to eventually have. Meanwhile, Holly is worried she broke up with Vince too quickly, but having spent time at Vic's family reunion, she realizes she did the right thing.
Writer: Jim Reynolds
Director: Shelley Jensen
Guest star: Dan Cortese (Vic)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The view from my office
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Thank you for your support!
The number of book orders that have come in so far this month is gratifying. One order was for 50 books! And more of you are booking 15 and 30 minute phone consults with me, and a few of you have even sent me substantial retainers for future services. I appreciate book orders of any size, not matter how small and I have books to offer that are under $5 if you cant afford much.
And if you want me to help you generate paying speaking engagements let me post your speaker profile on CommissionFreeSpeakers.com. Two more speakers have been added: Dr. Maria Todd and Ramont L. Williams.
Every little bit puts me closer to raising $170,000. It's the cost of my freedom. (And yes, I think of the Crosby Still Nash song, Find the Cost of Freedom, which was an anthem for the Kent State shooting.)
Your support in my fight against the condo association board who required me to stop publishing both books and web site is so appreciated. In the US this would be a First Amendment issue. In Canada it is a denial of Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press. They have also violated my rights under the Ontario Condominium Act.
I'm still working on an invoice for $3 million accompanied by 22-23 pages that will put them on notice of my pending lawsuit. It's what I will deliver to the court. And I have spoken to one of the newly elected directors and told him to expect a long letter from me by the end of the month.
This is a lonely fight.... I am doing this alone, and as tongues wag in the building more neighbors are showing their contempt for me by not acknowledging me any more. The urgency to move out is increasing. But I won't waiver. I'm as determined as ever to fight this.
An interesting aside: Men in the community outside of my building are behind me. Women, with the exception of one friend in Toronto, are not behind me. I love you men!
And if you want me to help you generate paying speaking engagements let me post your speaker profile on CommissionFreeSpeakers.com. Two more speakers have been added: Dr. Maria Todd and Ramont L. Williams.
Every little bit puts me closer to raising $170,000. It's the cost of my freedom. (And yes, I think of the Crosby Still Nash song, Find the Cost of Freedom, which was an anthem for the Kent State shooting.)
Your support in my fight against the condo association board who required me to stop publishing both books and web site is so appreciated. In the US this would be a First Amendment issue. In Canada it is a denial of Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press. They have also violated my rights under the Ontario Condominium Act.
I'm still working on an invoice for $3 million accompanied by 22-23 pages that will put them on notice of my pending lawsuit. It's what I will deliver to the court. And I have spoken to one of the newly elected directors and told him to expect a long letter from me by the end of the month.
This is a lonely fight.... I am doing this alone, and as tongues wag in the building more neighbors are showing their contempt for me by not acknowledging me any more. The urgency to move out is increasing. But I won't waiver. I'm as determined as ever to fight this.
An interesting aside: Men in the community outside of my building are behind me. Women, with the exception of one friend in Toronto, are not behind me. I love you men!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
What's happening with the condo?
I haven't started promoting the condo essay contest and the book (Your Wisdom is Worth a Million) to the press and media because I haven't been able to finish painting the condo and finish writing the book. I've had so many interruptions and distractions from people asking me for estimates on work I can do for them - and then I don't hear from them again - or requests from people I like to "send this email to 12 people you know." I'm spending 8 AM to 4 PM at the computer just taking care of other people's needs and then too achey and too exhausted to then get up on a ladder or start writing for me.
Don't get me wrong, I love hearing from people and love receiving 1) book orders, 2) paid 30 minute consults, and 3) paid speaker memberships on CommissionFreeSpeakers, but unnecessary demands on my time is stressful when I need to focus on getting the condo ready and getting the book completed. I'm running out of time and feeling very anxious about it.
Having to answer questions like: "Will you write a book for me and accept a percentage of my sales as payment?" tries my patience. Having to explain that if the person can't sell more than 10 books, my payment for 6 months of research, writing, editing, fact checking, proofreading, formatting will be negligible. If I do all the promotion, selling and distribution as well, then it is virtually my book, and I should receive 100%. Now, if you want to pay me $1 a word (10,000 -75,000 words) plus co-credit I might be coaxed into ghostwriting your book. Send inquiries in confidence to: info@AndreaReynolds.com.
The contest entry influx is down to a trickle for the moment and I have read every one that has come in. I am looking for something specific and, while so many are heartwarming, so far I have not seen the thing I'm hoping to see. That's all I'm going to say; if I say any more I'll influence the outcome. I am NOT abandoning the condo essay contest!
In light of the contest entries which haven't been as satisfying as I had hoped - not in number, but in content - I'm posting some ads on the Internet, as a backup plan. I have two on Craig's List (Toronto and St. Catharines) and will put one on HomesByOwner.com this weekend. I met with the owner of my local HomesByOwner.com this week and was impressed with his professionalism and good business thinking. I've got it listed at $146,000. This price will allow me to walk away with nothing.
Here's how you can make my life easier:
1. Make a donation. Click on heading at top of this post.
2. Book a 30 minute consult with me.
3. Buy some of my books. See "Andrea's E-Books" and "Fundraising Books".
4. Hold off on asking me for an estimate on a big project. All my fees are posted on AndreaReynolds.com
5. Book me to speak on Empathy: The Antidote to School Shootings. (I was a witness to a school shooting.)
6. Find me a buyer for my condo; there's a $500 finder's fee in it for you if your referral results in a satisfactory sale.
I haven't started promoting the condo essay contest and the book (Your Wisdom is Worth a Million) to the press and media because I haven't been able to finish painting the condo and finish writing the book. I've had so many interruptions and distractions from people asking me for estimates on work I can do for them - and then I don't hear from them again - or requests from people I like to "send this email to 12 people you know." I'm spending 8 AM to 4 PM at the computer just taking care of other people's needs and then too achey and too exhausted to then get up on a ladder or start writing for me.
Don't get me wrong, I love hearing from people and love receiving 1) book orders, 2) paid 30 minute consults, and 3) paid speaker memberships on CommissionFreeSpeakers, but unnecessary demands on my time is stressful when I need to focus on getting the condo ready and getting the book completed. I'm running out of time and feeling very anxious about it.
Having to answer questions like: "Will you write a book for me and accept a percentage of my sales as payment?" tries my patience. Having to explain that if the person can't sell more than 10 books, my payment for 6 months of research, writing, editing, fact checking, proofreading, formatting will be negligible. If I do all the promotion, selling and distribution as well, then it is virtually my book, and I should receive 100%. Now, if you want to pay me $1 a word (10,000 -75,000 words) plus co-credit I might be coaxed into ghostwriting your book. Send inquiries in confidence to: info@AndreaReynolds.com.
The contest entry influx is down to a trickle for the moment and I have read every one that has come in. I am looking for something specific and, while so many are heartwarming, so far I have not seen the thing I'm hoping to see. That's all I'm going to say; if I say any more I'll influence the outcome. I am NOT abandoning the condo essay contest!
In light of the contest entries which haven't been as satisfying as I had hoped - not in number, but in content - I'm posting some ads on the Internet, as a backup plan. I have two on Craig's List (Toronto and St. Catharines) and will put one on HomesByOwner.com this weekend. I met with the owner of my local HomesByOwner.com this week and was impressed with his professionalism and good business thinking. I've got it listed at $146,000. This price will allow me to walk away with nothing.
Here's how you can make my life easier:
1. Make a donation. Click on heading at top of this post.
2. Book a 30 minute consult with me.
3. Buy some of my books. See "Andrea's E-Books" and "Fundraising Books".
4. Hold off on asking me for an estimate on a big project. All my fees are posted on AndreaReynolds.com
5. Book me to speak on Empathy: The Antidote to School Shootings. (I was a witness to a school shooting.)
6. Find me a buyer for my condo; there's a $500 finder's fee in it for you if your referral results in a satisfactory sale.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
You can buy 10 copies of 365 questions for $15...
But only until Tuesday October 9 (2007).
Click on the heading above for the page where you can accept the offer.
This is the same booklet that appeared on the sitcom What I Like About You starring Jennie Garth and Amanda Bynes. (Jennie was the beautiful actor on Dancing With the Stars who took a tumble this past week and still recovered with grace and charm.) Jennie held my booklet in her hand while reading some of my pre-marriage questions to Dan Cortese on one of the last episodes.
This is my Canadian Thanksgiving gift to you. I'm thankful for many things: that I'm alive, that I have what I need and more, that my work is appreciated and valued.... and more. You can do what you want with them, give them to 5 couples, use them in your classes, give them to clients you counsel if you're a marriage counselor or divorce lawyer, donate them to your church or library, or use them as stocking stuffers. (They do roll up.)
I'll even inscribe them for you.
Yes, I'm liquidating my inventory so I don't have to store the books when I leave.
Today is Saturday. Tuesday 6 PM my offer expires. I accept PayPal, debit card with a VISA or MasterCard logo and even first class US postage stamps (37 stamps).
Click on the heading above for the page where you can accept the offer.
This is the same booklet that appeared on the sitcom What I Like About You starring Jennie Garth and Amanda Bynes. (Jennie was the beautiful actor on Dancing With the Stars who took a tumble this past week and still recovered with grace and charm.) Jennie held my booklet in her hand while reading some of my pre-marriage questions to Dan Cortese on one of the last episodes.
This is my Canadian Thanksgiving gift to you. I'm thankful for many things: that I'm alive, that I have what I need and more, that my work is appreciated and valued.... and more. You can do what you want with them, give them to 5 couples, use them in your classes, give them to clients you counsel if you're a marriage counselor or divorce lawyer, donate them to your church or library, or use them as stocking stuffers. (They do roll up.)
I'll even inscribe them for you.
Yes, I'm liquidating my inventory so I don't have to store the books when I leave.
Today is Saturday. Tuesday 6 PM my offer expires. I accept PayPal, debit card with a VISA or MasterCard logo and even first class US postage stamps (37 stamps).
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Now you can read my rants on 2 web sites
Don't be surprised if I sound like a female Dr. Phil of the consulting world; it wouldn't sound like a rant if I weren't a feisty "broad". The humorist I admire the most is Lewis Black, so that explains part of it. But my personality has always been somewhat cutting; I was known in university for having an acerbic wit. My radio commentaries were used for years as teaching tools in journalism classes because the twist at the end of each news segment made my audience laugh, so if you studied Writing for the Media at Kent State University you may have heard my voice. I'll never be Lewis Black... but I can hold my own with the best of them.
And I have to give credit here to an old college pal who bantered with me in Psychology 101 and over coffee and brought out this facet of my personality I didn't know existed. He really kept me on my toes. You may know of John. He moved to LA, got a recurring part on Days of Our Lives, and some years later created the part of Q on Star Trek. We've lost touch but I will always have him to thank for exhorting my retorts and comebacks.
So you are forewarned. There are at the moment two rants each on:
http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/rants.html and
Let these be a lesson to you. Tick me off and I'll write about your behavior! But I'd make a terrific speaker at your next convention or conference.
And I have to give credit here to an old college pal who bantered with me in Psychology 101 and over coffee and brought out this facet of my personality I didn't know existed. He really kept me on my toes. You may know of John. He moved to LA, got a recurring part on Days of Our Lives, and some years later created the part of Q on Star Trek. We've lost touch but I will always have him to thank for exhorting my retorts and comebacks.
So you are forewarned. There are at the moment two rants each on:
http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/rants.html and
Let these be a lesson to you. Tick me off and I'll write about your behavior! But I'd make a terrific speaker at your next convention or conference.
Friday, September 28, 2007
I'm disappearing for a month to finish writing my book
I spilled coffee on my MacBook today when I lost my balance and fell into my chair at my desk, so it is drying out while I use my old iMac to stay connected to the Internet. I fell last Friday too. Right in front of the supermarket. Tripped on the curb. Fell hard on my right knee and heels of both palms. Rolled onto my back and couldn't get up. Some nice younger man held out his hand and pulled me up. I was dazed for a few hours, but my recovery was nearly miraculous. A lot of swelling but no fractures, no scraped skin, and almost no bruising. For hitting the pavement so hard there should have been more damage and pain. Maybe it was endorphins.
My own fault... I saw the safety paint, but just didn't pick up my feet. Nothing wrong with me... I'm just stressed and not paying attention. I'm too distracted by everybody else's needs and need some time to manage my own needs.
There is a list of my own projects on the bottom of my home page. You can see what I have completed so far by the checkmarks. This next week I'll finish updating the important pages on AndreaReynolds.com so I can generate more book sales.
The rest of October will be devoted to researching and writing my book. That $152,000 I needed to raise to be able to give away my condo is now $170,000. Putting aside my own projects is costing me money and stress.
I ask you to be on "my Dream Team" by buying my book. Membership in Commission Free Speakers comes with purchase. Getting out so I can be on my way depends on my selling 2,000 copies of Your Wisdom is Worth a Million. I must write it quickly but I can't focus if I'm distracted by other assignments. I can afford to take only one more month to do it. I had planned to be out of here September 1st and now I worry I'll be stuck here for the winter. So I'm asking everyone's indulgence until Hallowe'en while I put all my energy and attention into this one urgent project.
Feel free to send me notes of encouragement and support over the month of October. Edible treats are always welcome and good for the soul (just not for the waistline.)
And don't forget to enter my condo giveaway contest.
PS I think the MacBook is going to be OK. But the LCD screen will have some water marks on one side. I'll have to live with it... the cost to replace is about 1/2 the cost of the laptop.
My own fault... I saw the safety paint, but just didn't pick up my feet. Nothing wrong with me... I'm just stressed and not paying attention. I'm too distracted by everybody else's needs and need some time to manage my own needs.
There is a list of my own projects on the bottom of my home page. You can see what I have completed so far by the checkmarks. This next week I'll finish updating the important pages on AndreaReynolds.com so I can generate more book sales.
The rest of October will be devoted to researching and writing my book. That $152,000 I needed to raise to be able to give away my condo is now $170,000. Putting aside my own projects is costing me money and stress.
I ask you to be on "my Dream Team" by buying my book. Membership in Commission Free Speakers comes with purchase. Getting out so I can be on my way depends on my selling 2,000 copies of Your Wisdom is Worth a Million. I must write it quickly but I can't focus if I'm distracted by other assignments. I can afford to take only one more month to do it. I had planned to be out of here September 1st and now I worry I'll be stuck here for the winter. So I'm asking everyone's indulgence until Hallowe'en while I put all my energy and attention into this one urgent project.
Feel free to send me notes of encouragement and support over the month of October. Edible treats are always welcome and good for the soul (just not for the waistline.)
And don't forget to enter my condo giveaway contest.
PS I think the MacBook is going to be OK. But the LCD screen will have some water marks on one side. I'll have to live with it... the cost to replace is about 1/2 the cost of the laptop.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Accepting invitations to Canadian Thanksgiving Dinner
October 8 is Canadian Thanksgiving, and it looks like I will be alone. I have no family in Canada, all my friends have families they will be with, and in the past I have opened my home to "orphans" like me, but nobody showed up. What! Nobody wants a free meal? So, I am happy to accept an invitation and will even bring a dish. Remember, I'm a good cook, have won recipe contests and even hosted a radio show on food and cooking.
So invite me. I have good manners and good conversation skills. And you don't have to pair me up with anyone.... just don't seat me at the kid's table or I'll give them tips on how to be cantankerous and rebellious.
And thanks!
So invite me. I have good manners and good conversation skills. And you don't have to pair me up with anyone.... just don't seat me at the kid's table or I'll give them tips on how to be cantankerous and rebellious.
And thanks!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
CommissionFreeSpeakers.com is live
My new online directory of international speakers is now live. (You can click on the heading above to get to it.) I even had it moved to a newer server so I could get feedback/contact forms to work. So now you can send me an email or use the message box. And I'm getting some thoughtful responses to my Rant on why I dislike unsolicited phone inquiries from speakers. There will be more rants and more speaker profiles as speakers send me the info to post.
The site isn't loaded with graphics and images - this is basic software that doesn't lend it self to easy customizing. But it's clean looking and in the future perhaps I can add a column and more elaborate formatting. But this is OK for now.
Next web site project is to finish www.AndreaReynolds.com which will have to be done and uploaded a section at a time as I work on finishing the book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million. This week I'm working on the condo giveaway essay contest info; next week it will be all the page for my books., so I can sell more of them. All the old pages are still up so you can still navigate the site, but you'll see a real disparity in appearance between the new and old pages. (New pages are blue; old pages have green background.)
I hope you'll have a look. Feel free to refer any speakers who may want assistance with their career.... or even better book me to speak at your next conference or convention.
The site isn't loaded with graphics and images - this is basic software that doesn't lend it self to easy customizing. But it's clean looking and in the future perhaps I can add a column and more elaborate formatting. But this is OK for now.
Next web site project is to finish www.AndreaReynolds.com which will have to be done and uploaded a section at a time as I work on finishing the book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million. This week I'm working on the condo giveaway essay contest info; next week it will be all the page for my books., so I can sell more of them. All the old pages are still up so you can still navigate the site, but you'll see a real disparity in appearance between the new and old pages. (New pages are blue; old pages have green background.)
I hope you'll have a look. Feel free to refer any speakers who may want assistance with their career.... or even better book me to speak at your next conference or convention.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Speaker directory is up... well, almost
You can now see the whole web site, but it's sitting on my primary domain, www.AndreaReynolds.com. Commission Free Speakers is not yet standing alone in its own domain, www.CommissionFreeSpeakers.com. If you click on the heading above you will get there. It has replaced the old pages, but I will be happier when it's where it should be. Still I'm content that the new site is viewable.
I spent about 9 days working on the site... that's about 10 pages per day. The only unfinished pages are speaker pages because I haven't collected all the speaker data that can be posted. But now that I have the hang of editing and publishing the pages work should go quite quickly now.
I'd love to have your comments and suggestions for improvement. And if you find any misspellings or errors please bring them to my attention. I'm especially anxious to know if everything works. My biggest concern is the PayPal buttons. For some reason the software I use creates a very big gap between the text and the PayPal button. So I have placed all the PayPal payment buttons at the bottom of each page, which requires visitors to scroll down to the bottom. But the buttons seem to work, if a bit slowly. Feel free to buy something - even a $2 tip sheet - if you want to test the system. ;-) By the way, all revenues from CommissionFreeSpeakers will be counted toward the $152,000 I'm raising so I can give away the condo free and clear and be on my way across North America.
Do have a look.
I spent about 9 days working on the site... that's about 10 pages per day. The only unfinished pages are speaker pages because I haven't collected all the speaker data that can be posted. But now that I have the hang of editing and publishing the pages work should go quite quickly now.
I'd love to have your comments and suggestions for improvement. And if you find any misspellings or errors please bring them to my attention. I'm especially anxious to know if everything works. My biggest concern is the PayPal buttons. For some reason the software I use creates a very big gap between the text and the PayPal button. So I have placed all the PayPal payment buttons at the bottom of each page, which requires visitors to scroll down to the bottom. But the buttons seem to work, if a bit slowly. Feel free to buy something - even a $2 tip sheet - if you want to test the system. ;-) By the way, all revenues from CommissionFreeSpeakers will be counted toward the $152,000 I'm raising so I can give away the condo free and clear and be on my way across North America.
Do have a look.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
CommissionFreeSpeakers.com - is due to launch Fri/Sat.
I have 14 pages completed and 48 more are half-written. The annual membership fee which includes a private marketing forum for speakers will be $89.00 a year until Dec. 31. If you want to save $40, you can join by Friday Sept. 14 by making payment on the prototype sub-domain by PayPal or by debit card with logo (and credit card). Just click on the heading above to get to the payment page. You can then complete the application at any time.... but ideally within one week. This offer expires in 2 days.
I'll upload the completed pages on Friday or Saturday which means the prototype site with the lower fee will disappear at the same time. So if you have any thoughts of gaining visibility and income as a speaker do consider the benefits of joining Commission-Free Speakers. This $89 service is an affordable alternative to my far more expensive promotional campaigns; the differences being the price and also that you will be promoted as a group, rather than individually.
Remember that $152,000 I'm raising so I can give away my condo? CommissionFreeSpeakers.com will not be a huge money maker for me, but the proceeds (about $85 net after transaction fees are subtracted) will all be counted in the $152,000. So if 200 new speakers join at $89, that will raise $17,000 over a year. Not a lot, but it's a start. And reports, manual, tip sheets and booklets sold will also count.
You can also purchase gift certificates for speakers you know who cannot afford the membership fee. What a great way to help someone with speaking skills and knowledge to share start to earn a good income.
I'll upload the completed pages on Friday or Saturday which means the prototype site with the lower fee will disappear at the same time. So if you have any thoughts of gaining visibility and income as a speaker do consider the benefits of joining Commission-Free Speakers. This $89 service is an affordable alternative to my far more expensive promotional campaigns; the differences being the price and also that you will be promoted as a group, rather than individually.
Remember that $152,000 I'm raising so I can give away my condo? CommissionFreeSpeakers.com will not be a huge money maker for me, but the proceeds (about $85 net after transaction fees are subtracted) will all be counted in the $152,000. So if 200 new speakers join at $89, that will raise $17,000 over a year. Not a lot, but it's a start. And reports, manual, tip sheets and booklets sold will also count.
You can also purchase gift certificates for speakers you know who cannot afford the membership fee. What a great way to help someone with speaking skills and knowledge to share start to earn a good income.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Finally updating my web sites; click this to see sample
Since my iMac crashed, I've been finding it difficult to update web pages which were originally done with Adobe Pagemill 3.0. My new-ish MacBook has an OS that won't open Pagemill pages. I have an older G3 that will open Pagemill pages but isn't connected to the Internet. Having to keep transfering floppies on my one floppy drive to upload pages is a pain, and the files open on a huge screen that is just too big to deal with. I'm now used to working with tighter pages.... working with older double size pages is so awkward. I've been so frustrated by the whole mess that I had to find a solution.
Well, then I downloaded the demo for Dreamweaver which does open Pagemill pages but the updated pages have too much blank space on the page and they look so messy. The 30 day demo was nearing an end and I couldn't see paying US $400 for a program that was daunting and probably meant for programmers. So I did some scouting and found RapidWeaver for the Mac, made in Great Britain. I tried 3 pages and bought the program for $49. There are theme templates and you just drag and drop the text and images into the page. I like it and have chosen 4 themes for my 4 web sites. Very plain and simple, but I'm happy with the look. I just copy and paste text from the browser and then reformat, adding the links. I still want to figure out how to add PayPal payment buttons so I can generate income again, but I'm feeling victorious about my accomplishment.
AndreaReynolds.com (blue) has 4 pages up now, with a few hundred to go, and I hope to have it completed by October 15. I've been working on CommissionFreeSpeakers (red) and hope to have the whole site uploaded and launched by Sept. 15. HandyAnde.com will be orange and completed maybe October 30. CrisisBrainstorm.com will be completed, I hope, by November 1. Don't you think AndreaReynolds.com is starting to look better?
Well, then I downloaded the demo for Dreamweaver which does open Pagemill pages but the updated pages have too much blank space on the page and they look so messy. The 30 day demo was nearing an end and I couldn't see paying US $400 for a program that was daunting and probably meant for programmers. So I did some scouting and found RapidWeaver for the Mac, made in Great Britain. I tried 3 pages and bought the program for $49. There are theme templates and you just drag and drop the text and images into the page. I like it and have chosen 4 themes for my 4 web sites. Very plain and simple, but I'm happy with the look. I just copy and paste text from the browser and then reformat, adding the links. I still want to figure out how to add PayPal payment buttons so I can generate income again, but I'm feeling victorious about my accomplishment.
AndreaReynolds.com (blue) has 4 pages up now, with a few hundred to go, and I hope to have it completed by October 15. I've been working on CommissionFreeSpeakers (red) and hope to have the whole site uploaded and launched by Sept. 15. HandyAnde.com will be orange and completed maybe October 30. CrisisBrainstorm.com will be completed, I hope, by November 1. Don't you think AndreaReynolds.com is starting to look better?
Sunday, September 2, 2007
3 photos of living room
Slowly I'm getting new photos posted as I paint and clear rooms.

This is a loveseat I received through Freecycle.org. The coffee table is from Ikea.

The "library" is on the other side of the exterior hall. The books are tools of my trade so they will go into storage but the shelves will stay. There are 8 of these book shelves throughout the condo.

The camera was pointed at the window so the light makes it difficult to see the sheers over the large window. I'll take one at night too.
More will follow over the next two weeks. Keep those contest entries coming... and don't forget to include your contact info.
This is a loveseat I received through Freecycle.org. The coffee table is from Ikea.
The "library" is on the other side of the exterior hall. The books are tools of my trade so they will go into storage but the shelves will stay. There are 8 of these book shelves throughout the condo.
The camera was pointed at the window so the light makes it difficult to see the sheers over the large window. I'll take one at night too.
More will follow over the next two weeks. Keep those contest entries coming... and don't forget to include your contact info.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Speaking engagement is off
The invitation to speak on Sept. 22 in Toronto on the subject of essay contests was never confirmed and it's now one week before the registration deadline, and 3 weeks before the event. I have notified the organization that I will not be speaking.
I would have put at least 4-5 days into the research, writing and delivery of the presentation, that I likely would not ever present again, not including 3 hours of driving, $100 -120 worth of gas and a $200 room in the hotel so I wouldn't be late for my 10 AM session. I was offered nothing more than $15 for parking; no payment toward the $152,000 I'm raising, not a room, not a gas allowance, not meals, not a pass to attend the convention, not even inclusion in the door prizes offered, nor publicity opportunities for my condo giveaway contest. The audience would not be interested in the subject of my "Wisdom" book, as it is an audience of hobbyists, not professional practitioners and consultants. And the 4-5 days would be a disruption to the work I'm doing to promote the contest, my book, my advice column, my speaker directory and my personal concierge business.
But I would gladly have done all the work and appeared with great enthusiasm, presenting a brilliant and memorable talk.... if I were being paid. Too bad, but now I'm free to receive something better.
I would have put at least 4-5 days into the research, writing and delivery of the presentation, that I likely would not ever present again, not including 3 hours of driving, $100 -120 worth of gas and a $200 room in the hotel so I wouldn't be late for my 10 AM session. I was offered nothing more than $15 for parking; no payment toward the $152,000 I'm raising, not a room, not a gas allowance, not meals, not a pass to attend the convention, not even inclusion in the door prizes offered, nor publicity opportunities for my condo giveaway contest. The audience would not be interested in the subject of my "Wisdom" book, as it is an audience of hobbyists, not professional practitioners and consultants. And the 4-5 days would be a disruption to the work I'm doing to promote the contest, my book, my advice column, my speaker directory and my personal concierge business.
But I would gladly have done all the work and appeared with great enthusiasm, presenting a brilliant and memorable talk.... if I were being paid. Too bad, but now I'm free to receive something better.
Corporate sponsorships are now accepted
My contest fundraising will go faster if I accept corporate donations so I am willing to provide promotion to any company - from a one-person business to a multi-national corporation - who makes a financial contribution to help me pay off the mortgage for the winner of the condo giveaway contest. Some possibilities:
1. Logo and link on any of my web sites: AndreaReynolds.com, HandyAnde.com (in the works), CommissionFreeSpeakers.com (in the works),
2. Logo and link on my van exterior,
3. Logo and link inside my e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million,
4. Sponsorship of my business advice column, Advice Empire, in your newspaper.
Benjamin Moore in St. Catharines has provided $250 worth of paints and supplies to paint the condo, through an essay contest I won on CKTB radio, and both of these companies will receive visibility on my web site. You may be a realtor, a dentist, a doctor, a lawyer, a veterinarian, an engineer, or a philanthropist. If a corporate donation is not in your budget, you are welcome to purchase any of my other reports, manuals, booklets and e-books. Such as the ones listed in the column below my bio, or this one:

Or this one:

Or visit the contest donation page (click on heading at the top of this post) and donate from $2 on up, in $2 increments.
Thank you for your support,
1. Logo and link on any of my web sites: AndreaReynolds.com, HandyAnde.com (in the works), CommissionFreeSpeakers.com (in the works),
2. Logo and link on my van exterior,
3. Logo and link inside my e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million,
4. Sponsorship of my business advice column, Advice Empire, in your newspaper.
Benjamin Moore in St. Catharines has provided $250 worth of paints and supplies to paint the condo, through an essay contest I won on CKTB radio, and both of these companies will receive visibility on my web site. You may be a realtor, a dentist, a doctor, a lawyer, a veterinarian, an engineer, or a philanthropist. If a corporate donation is not in your budget, you are welcome to purchase any of my other reports, manuals, booklets and e-books. Such as the ones listed in the column below my bio, or this one:
Or this one:
Or visit the contest donation page (click on heading at the top of this post) and donate from $2 on up, in $2 increments.
Thank you for your support,
Monday, August 27, 2007
Handy Ande at work
Fixed small things today (on my own):
1. Installed a new toilet handle in the half-bath, after removing the broken one,
2. Removed two unnecessary pieces on the dishwasher that were keeping the cord and two hoses from pulling out and retracting properly,
3. Bought a connector for the dishwasher hose to connect the faucet as the "handyman" recommended, which wasn't needed as the two connected fine with out it. That was a waste of $3.
4. Bought a sink drain basket to replace the missing one. (8 bucks!)
5. Replaced the garbage can which sits under the sink on a hinge so that when the door is opened the can swings out,
6. Bought caulking for the sink that didn't get put down before the sink was put back in.
Small things getting crossed off my list. Feels good. Sometimes I look at the work done by handy men and wonder why people continue to hire them, but not me. For the same amount of money I do a more careful job, correct any mistakes I make, and clean up my mess. I think I will create a checklist for feedback for Handy Ande clients.
Next I must get a proper wrench so I can undo the work the handy man did yesterday. I need to fix the kink in the copper pipe, untangle the hose to the spray attachment so it extends as far as it is meant to, and take out the sink to clean the edge properly and caulk it, putting it back in so the sink fits snugly not rocking as it does now.
Tonight I get to find out whether the second hand dishwasher I bought last spring will actually work.
Postcript: Yes, the dishwasher works. Ah, freedom from hand washing dishes!
1. Installed a new toilet handle in the half-bath, after removing the broken one,
2. Removed two unnecessary pieces on the dishwasher that were keeping the cord and two hoses from pulling out and retracting properly,
3. Bought a connector for the dishwasher hose to connect the faucet as the "handyman" recommended, which wasn't needed as the two connected fine with out it. That was a waste of $3.
4. Bought a sink drain basket to replace the missing one. (8 bucks!)
5. Replaced the garbage can which sits under the sink on a hinge so that when the door is opened the can swings out,
6. Bought caulking for the sink that didn't get put down before the sink was put back in.
Small things getting crossed off my list. Feels good. Sometimes I look at the work done by handy men and wonder why people continue to hire them, but not me. For the same amount of money I do a more careful job, correct any mistakes I make, and clean up my mess. I think I will create a checklist for feedback for Handy Ande clients.
Next I must get a proper wrench so I can undo the work the handy man did yesterday. I need to fix the kink in the copper pipe, untangle the hose to the spray attachment so it extends as far as it is meant to, and take out the sink to clean the edge properly and caulk it, putting it back in so the sink fits snugly not rocking as it does now.
Tonight I get to find out whether the second hand dishwasher I bought last spring will actually work.
Postcript: Yes, the dishwasher works. Ah, freedom from hand washing dishes!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The handy woman hires a handyman
I finally have the new faucet installed. I've been procrastinating on this for months. But I met a man in the parking lot today who is staying with my former next-door-neighbors on the 9th floor. And after a long conversation we agreed he would do it. He wants to get handyman jobs and I had enough cash on hand on a Sunday morning to have him do it. No more water dripping in the sink and leaking under the sink, no more sprays that got water where it shouldn't, and no more having to turn the shut-off valve on and off when I wanted hot water to wash the dishes. He got it done in less than an hour. This is so wonderful.... I'm revelling in the good feeling.
I dashed out to move my van because I was stuck in a parking spot for 24 hours, thanks to some young people moving in who had their truck parked 6 feet away from the building, into the fire lane. They refused to move the truck, even though two of them were just standing around and one was on his cell phone. When I tried to pass their U-Hall van with my cargo van I would have broken off their driver side mirror and my passenger side mirror. I couldn't back up the entire way around the building so I parked it across from the loading dock and grabbed my bicycle so I could get to my vet's before they closed. When I returned there were cars on either side of me. When I backed up I hit the loading dock just as I cleared the two cars. I couldn't turn; I could go only forward or back! So I waited until one car left today so I could make a series of backups and forward efforts using the empty spot beside me. I finally got out and parked up on the visitor parking ramp. Whew!
Why do young people have this sense of entitlement that they can inconvenience people without considering the effect they have on others? I'd like to promote a whole "new" philosophy called The Golden Rule. Do you think it might catch on?
Friday, August 24, 2007
"And I suppose you've got swamp land in Florida to sell me, too"
That's what my neighbor just said to me when I told him I'm giving my condo away in a contest. Ouch. How could anyone think that I would be like that? I'm crushed.
And when I got my hair cut today, and I told my stylist that I was invited to speak on the "ins and outs of essay contests", she curled her lip. "That's boring," she pronounced. Double ouch.
I think those are signs that I should keep silent about the condo giveaway essay contest and see if anyone finds it from here on in. I'm just going to promote 1) my book, 2) my advice column and 3) the online speaker directory and let the condo contest make it or break it without any further promotional effort on my part. If it's meant to be it will take on a life of its own.
PS This won't mean much to some of you, but I bought "silver" insulation for my van today so this weekend I can adhere it to the interior so it won't be so hot in the summer or so cold in the winter. All the better for camping and traveling. I just have to keep moving forward with my plan to leave here.
And when I got my hair cut today, and I told my stylist that I was invited to speak on the "ins and outs of essay contests", she curled her lip. "That's boring," she pronounced. Double ouch.
I think those are signs that I should keep silent about the condo giveaway essay contest and see if anyone finds it from here on in. I'm just going to promote 1) my book, 2) my advice column and 3) the online speaker directory and let the condo contest make it or break it without any further promotional effort on my part. If it's meant to be it will take on a life of its own.
PS This won't mean much to some of you, but I bought "silver" insulation for my van today so this weekend I can adhere it to the interior so it won't be so hot in the summer or so cold in the winter. All the better for camping and traveling. I just have to keep moving forward with my plan to leave here.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Contest FAQ is posted. Click this title to view
I've posted a 30 question FAQ on my web site and also a page where anyone can voluntarily make a donation toward the $152,000 I am raising to pay off the mortgage and closing costs for the winner. Read Item #14 on the FAQ.
I've created the donation button in $2 increments so if you want to donate as little as $2 you can enter the quantity "1". If you want to donate $100, insert the quantity "50". Remember, PayPal will deduct $.30 plus 2.9% from each donation.
As of this morning I have received 2 contest entries and 2 book orders. Keep them coming.
I've created the donation button in $2 increments so if you want to donate as little as $2 you can enter the quantity "1". If you want to donate $100, insert the quantity "50". Remember, PayPal will deduct $.30 plus 2.9% from each donation.
As of this morning I have received 2 contest entries and 2 book orders. Keep them coming.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I think I'm going to write another book....
called: "It's Not Always Too Good to Be True." Someone else said I should title it, "Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth".
I do something generous every year just because it feels good to be able to do it. Last year it was a contest to give away a Handy Ande franchise so someone without an income could earn $24,000 a year for 2 years. The year before it was a contest to give away $500 worth of my services and books. The year before that I held a contest to give away $1000 worth of my services. And in 2002 I held a contest to give away a furnished mobile home in Pennsylvania. I make them the contests as easy to enter as I can. Last month I offered, to more than 100 people who came to me for services, a free, $49 dollar value, full page profile on my forthcoming online speaker directory which is a more afordable alternative to my $49,000 promotional campaign for speakers. Only 2 people took me up on the freebie. And then there was the web site I offered a competitor a few years ago and they refused to speak to me. I ended up selling the web site for enough money to pay my van loan for 16 months.
Today I ran into 5 young people in the building lobby and again in the parking lot. I mentioned that I'm giving away a condo and they kept on walking. I said, "Everybody seems to ignore that last statement." And the 5 of them just laughed. Well... I've posted all the info on this blog and on my web site. I think I will be quiet now and see if anyone takes notice and takes me seriously.
I am very serious. I want to get out of this condo and leave it and the contents behind with someone who wants it so I can get on the road while the weather is nice, and start my life over where I can write books without scorn, derision and contempt.
My posts may drop off for awhile ... until I have good news to report. Meanwhile I'm contacting some real estate agents and newspapers.
I do something generous every year just because it feels good to be able to do it. Last year it was a contest to give away a Handy Ande franchise so someone without an income could earn $24,000 a year for 2 years. The year before it was a contest to give away $500 worth of my services and books. The year before that I held a contest to give away $1000 worth of my services. And in 2002 I held a contest to give away a furnished mobile home in Pennsylvania. I make them the contests as easy to enter as I can. Last month I offered, to more than 100 people who came to me for services, a free, $49 dollar value, full page profile on my forthcoming online speaker directory which is a more afordable alternative to my $49,000 promotional campaign for speakers. Only 2 people took me up on the freebie. And then there was the web site I offered a competitor a few years ago and they refused to speak to me. I ended up selling the web site for enough money to pay my van loan for 16 months.
Today I ran into 5 young people in the building lobby and again in the parking lot. I mentioned that I'm giving away a condo and they kept on walking. I said, "Everybody seems to ignore that last statement." And the 5 of them just laughed. Well... I've posted all the info on this blog and on my web site. I think I will be quiet now and see if anyone takes notice and takes me seriously.
I am very serious. I want to get out of this condo and leave it and the contents behind with someone who wants it so I can get on the road while the weather is nice, and start my life over where I can write books without scorn, derision and contempt.
My posts may drop off for awhile ... until I have good news to report. Meanwhile I'm contacting some real estate agents and newspapers.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What I will be working on in September
I expected a flood of contest entries by now, but none have come in yet. Maybe everyone is thinking about what they will write. Instead, I have sold several advance copies of my 150 page e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million. I guess more people would rather pay for a book that will help them increase their incomes than write 10 sentences that could win them a home. People teach me new things every day and I have to chuckle when they surprise me by blowing my expectations.
Now that I have found that I can open my old web pages with Dreamweaver I can get on with erecting my online speaker directory to promote speakers, CommissionFreeSpeakers.com. I've been offering a year's membership for $49 until September 1st and that includes a private forum just for experts who speak to discuss marketing and promotion. I think that I will offer a free speaker profile on Commission-Free Speakers with every purchase of my e-book YWIWAM until September 1st.
I am considering increasing the membership fee as of September 1st. Perhaps speakers are thinking that $49 for marketing them for a year is too little. My thinking was that if 500 speakers joined at $49, $24,500 would be enough money to promote all of us to meeting planners for a year. Perhaps I'll charge $495 and promote only 50 speakers. The great thing about the directory is that there are no commissions to pay on any speaking engagements a speaker receives. If I speaker wants to speak for free, he can. Or if a speaker wants my help in negotiating a contract I can, for a straight fee. Or speakers can receive 15 minutes of my time and advice and negotiate their own fees and contract terms.
Keeping in mind that speakers don't like having an "agent" or advocate increase or multiply their fees in exchange for a percentage of their fee, how does this concept grab you?
As I work on these two web sites I will also be completing Your Wisdom is Worth a Million and then raising the price to $89 to new buyers as soon as it is ready to deliver. I'm working on a news release to promote the book to consultants, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, veterinarians, chiropractors, speakers, and specialists.
Now that I have found that I can open my old web pages with Dreamweaver I can get on with erecting my online speaker directory to promote speakers, CommissionFreeSpeakers.com. I've been offering a year's membership for $49 until September 1st and that includes a private forum just for experts who speak to discuss marketing and promotion. I think that I will offer a free speaker profile on Commission-Free Speakers with every purchase of my e-book YWIWAM until September 1st.
I am considering increasing the membership fee as of September 1st. Perhaps speakers are thinking that $49 for marketing them for a year is too little. My thinking was that if 500 speakers joined at $49, $24,500 would be enough money to promote all of us to meeting planners for a year. Perhaps I'll charge $495 and promote only 50 speakers. The great thing about the directory is that there are no commissions to pay on any speaking engagements a speaker receives. If I speaker wants to speak for free, he can. Or if a speaker wants my help in negotiating a contract I can, for a straight fee. Or speakers can receive 15 minutes of my time and advice and negotiate their own fees and contract terms.
Keeping in mind that speakers don't like having an "agent" or advocate increase or multiply their fees in exchange for a percentage of their fee, how does this concept grab you?
As I work on these two web sites I will also be completing Your Wisdom is Worth a Million and then raising the price to $89 to new buyers as soon as it is ready to deliver. I'm working on a news release to promote the book to consultants, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, veterinarians, chiropractors, speakers, and specialists.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Answers to incoming questions about the condo giveaway essay contest
My computer, the only one that can create/edit web pages, is dead, so I can't easily update the condo contest info. For now the most recent info (and photos) are here on this blog.
QUESTION: What happens if you sell the condo while you are running the contest? Do we get the money?
ANSWER: If someone does make me an offer, I plan to discuss it with those who have sent in entries. I think that is only fair. Understand, I've had no life for 10 years and I don't know how much time I have left to build up a nest egg for my old age, so I'm anxious to leave and start over. I am the one working hard to come up with the cash that I can't keep. None of the entrants are putting up a dime.
I announced right in the beginning - in the news release - that the whole point is to "sell" my home by any means possible, as soon as possible, so there is no deception. If I were to take money from contest entrants and not deliver a home that would be fraud. That's why there is no fee to enter. (Most of the essay contest require a $100-$250 entry fee.) I'm going on the premise that I will be giving away the condo.... in full or in part.
If I sell it to a buyer, it will definitely be at a loss to me. In other words the cash offered won't be enough to pay off the mortgage and I can't get an unsecured loan if I am home-less. So I will have to make up the difference by selling books and whatever else I can sell. I will come out of the transaction absolutely penniless and with not a cent to start out or rent a place.
So it's not as though I personally will benefit financially. In fact, I won't even get my original 10% down payment out or any of the principal I've paid over 2 full years. That will be lost. Nobody who enters the contest will receive any money. I won't receive any money. It will all go to the mortgage company, the condo association, the city (property tax), banks to cover loans, final utility payments, and legal fees.
So whatever happens I will be subsidizing someone's home either fully or partially with money I must earn. I will not be benefitting in any way... except that I can leave without defaulting on my loan. And there is always the chance that I won't be able to sell 3,500 books to raise $152,000.
QUESTION: What happens if you sell the condo while you are running the contest? Do we get the money?
ANSWER: If someone does make me an offer, I plan to discuss it with those who have sent in entries. I think that is only fair. Understand, I've had no life for 10 years and I don't know how much time I have left to build up a nest egg for my old age, so I'm anxious to leave and start over. I am the one working hard to come up with the cash that I can't keep. None of the entrants are putting up a dime.
I announced right in the beginning - in the news release - that the whole point is to "sell" my home by any means possible, as soon as possible, so there is no deception. If I were to take money from contest entrants and not deliver a home that would be fraud. That's why there is no fee to enter. (Most of the essay contest require a $100-$250 entry fee.) I'm going on the premise that I will be giving away the condo.... in full or in part.
If I sell it to a buyer, it will definitely be at a loss to me. In other words the cash offered won't be enough to pay off the mortgage and I can't get an unsecured loan if I am home-less. So I will have to make up the difference by selling books and whatever else I can sell. I will come out of the transaction absolutely penniless and with not a cent to start out or rent a place.
So it's not as though I personally will benefit financially. In fact, I won't even get my original 10% down payment out or any of the principal I've paid over 2 full years. That will be lost. Nobody who enters the contest will receive any money. I won't receive any money. It will all go to the mortgage company, the condo association, the city (property tax), banks to cover loans, final utility payments, and legal fees.
So whatever happens I will be subsidizing someone's home either fully or partially with money I must earn. I will not be benefitting in any way... except that I can leave without defaulting on my loan. And there is always the chance that I won't be able to sell 3,500 books to raise $152,000.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I've just been invited to speak on Ins and Outs of Essay Contests
at the xxxxxxxxxxxx ...in Toronto on Saturday, Sept. 22 at the Sheraton Centre. (subject to confirmation).
So if all the terms are agreeable, I will be driving to downtown Toronto the night before and speaking the next morning. This will be another road trip test before I actually get on my way for good.
(I hope) I'll be speaking on "The Ins and Outs of Essay Contests"... because I enter them, win them, and conduct them and can teach others how to do the same. I've just been asked and accepted in the past 30 minutes, so I'm not yet on the roster on the web site, and there is bound to be some tweaking of the schedule. I'll be speaking to attendees from across Canada. I hope you'll attend so you can see/hear me speak.
I look forward to writing my speech and finishing my book Your Wisdom is Worth a Million.
So if all the terms are agreeable, I will be driving to downtown Toronto the night before and speaking the next morning. This will be another road trip test before I actually get on my way for good.
(I hope) I'll be speaking on "The Ins and Outs of Essay Contests"... because I enter them, win them, and conduct them and can teach others how to do the same. I've just been asked and accepted in the past 30 minutes, so I'm not yet on the roster on the web site, and there is bound to be some tweaking of the schedule. I'll be speaking to attendees from across Canada. I hope you'll attend so you can see/hear me speak.
I look forward to writing my speech and finishing my book Your Wisdom is Worth a Million.
You can't win the condo if you don't enter the contest
I've received several emails from people who say I should just give them the condo. That's not going to work. If you don't enter the contest with a numbered list of "10 Reasons Why I Deserve to Win Andrea's Condo in St. Catharines Ontario" and give me your complete contact information, you won't be considered as a future owner.
I ask for your:
- name
- address
- email
- phone
- web site (if you have one; not required)
Send your entry to info@AndreaReynolds.com I will not use any of this info for any other reason except to communicate with you about the contest. Nobody else but me will see your contact info, and after the contest I'll destroy it.
I'll start posting more info on AndreaReynolds.com tomorrow.
If you don't want to own my condo, I encourage you to buy my books to support the contest so I can give away the condo sooner.
Andrea info@Andrea Reynolds.com
I ask for your:
- name
- address
- phone
- web site (if you have one; not required)
Send your entry to info@AndreaReynolds.com I will not use any of this info for any other reason except to communicate with you about the contest. Nobody else but me will see your contact info, and after the contest I'll destroy it.
I'll start posting more info on AndreaReynolds.com tomorrow.
If you don't want to own my condo, I encourage you to buy my books to support the contest so I can give away the condo sooner.
Andrea info@Andrea Reynolds.com
Saturday, August 18, 2007
What I'm working on, in sequence
Recently people are asking me to promote their books for a percentage of their royalties or review their book or assess their case against a corporate bully. RIGHT NOW I don't have time to work on speculation or do any free book reading or write reviews. I want to get my own urgent projects completed so I can leave St. Catharines and get going on my promotional tour.
I would prefer to have support for my project rather than unpaid distractions; which means I AM AVAILABLE to accept small, quick, paid assignments like 30 minute consults, and I can deliver e-books you want to order.
Here is my revised list of tasks in order of first to last that will be completed before I take on more big projects...
1. Promote my essay contest (to win my condo) to the press and media and receive lots of entries from good people who want a lovely free home.
2. Finish painting and staging the entire condo so it looks great for the person or family who wins it.
3. Finish writing my book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million: 150 Smart Ways Leading Authorities Earn More Money and So Can You.
4. Update my web sites with new pages to promote my new book, condo contest, and advice column.
5. Sell 3,500 prepublication copies of my e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million, to raise the $152,000 needed to pay off the mortgage and closing costs for the winner.
6. Turn my paper reports and manuals into e-books, to be able to deliver them to readers faster.
7. Promote my self-syndicated business advice column to newspapers.
8. Outfit and organize the interior of my van so I can live in and work from it for a year after I give away the condo.
Then I can take on your long-range project. Your comments?
I would prefer to have support for my project rather than unpaid distractions; which means I AM AVAILABLE to accept small, quick, paid assignments like 30 minute consults, and I can deliver e-books you want to order.
Here is my revised list of tasks in order of first to last that will be completed before I take on more big projects...
1. Promote my essay contest (to win my condo) to the press and media and receive lots of entries from good people who want a lovely free home.
2. Finish painting and staging the entire condo so it looks great for the person or family who wins it.
3. Finish writing my book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million: 150 Smart Ways Leading Authorities Earn More Money and So Can You.
4. Update my web sites with new pages to promote my new book, condo contest, and advice column.
5. Sell 3,500 prepublication copies of my e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million, to raise the $152,000 needed to pay off the mortgage and closing costs for the winner.
6. Turn my paper reports and manuals into e-books, to be able to deliver them to readers faster.
7. Promote my self-syndicated business advice column to newspapers.
8. Outfit and organize the interior of my van so I can live in and work from it for a year after I give away the condo.
Then I can take on your long-range project. Your comments?
This is the news release for the contest I'll distribute
News release: August 18, 2007
An author promoting an e-book is not news…. but an author selling a book to raise $152,000 to pay off the mortgage on her condo so she can give it away to a stranger for free – the condo, not the mortgage – could arouse some attention. So Andrea Reynolds is holding a contest to award her 3 bedroom condo in a pretty building, on a nice street, near a busy shopping center next to the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW,) to the winner of her easy-essay contest. A list of “Ten Reasons Why I Deserve to Win Andrea’s Condo in St. Catharines Ontario” with full contact info is required. Send to: info@AndreaReynolds.com
It’s not the HGTV Dream Home, but it’s a clean, bright, home…. And it’s furnished with loveseats, chairs, tables, beds, lamps, bookshelves, dishes, linens, and appliances: self-cleaning electric range/oven, frost-free fridge, and possibly a portable dishwasher. To move in just bring your own toothbrush.
At the front of 359 Geneva Street, in North St. Catharines, on the fourth floor, is a 3 bedroom, one-and-a-half-bath unit. The living room, dining room and master bedroom are carpeted. All the walls are being patched, scrubbed and painted with Benjamin Moore quality paints she won in – of course – a local radio essay contest. Repairs and upgrades will be completed before the winner moves in. Residents can park for free and there is an outdoor pool in the summer months.
Between coats of paint Reynolds is completing a 150 page book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million: 150 Smart Ways Leading Authorities Earn More Money and So Can You, which was gleaned from 30 years of her advice to physicians, lawyers, psychologists, chiropractors, authors, speakers and other consultants. She will sell 3,500 copies ($49 advance price; $89 after publication) to pay off the mortgage and other outstanding loans.
St. Catharines, known as The Garden City, is located in wine country and has a population of 130,000. A peninsula, the city is nearly surrounded by water: Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, and the Welland Canal. A “bedroom” community of Toronto (70 miles by QEW), St. Catharines is 12 miles from Lewiston, New York across the US border. Niagara Falls, the honeymoon capital, is only 5 minutes away.
Ten years ago, Reynolds, now 58, had a thriving public relations practice in downtown Toronto with a bed and breakfast business catering to authors on book tours. She was also a freelance broadcaster on CFRB radio and the Life Network. Then a late-night home invasion forced her to close down both businesses. After identifying the man who broke in, she was stalked and threatened for 4 months. She left everything behind and disappeared for 8 years where she was bullied by her adopted community for being a good citizen. She stopped in St. Catharines for a long lay-over and is ready to travel again.
At the age that all her friends are retiring, Reynolds looks forward to starting life over with nothing but her cat, computer and cargo van. She intends to earn $500,000 to fund her retirement, in two years or less, working from her office on wheels, interviewing experts, syndicating a newspaper column, and speaking to business audiences.
- - - E N D - - -
An author promoting an e-book is not news…. but an author selling a book to raise $152,000 to pay off the mortgage on her condo so she can give it away to a stranger for free – the condo, not the mortgage – could arouse some attention. So Andrea Reynolds is holding a contest to award her 3 bedroom condo in a pretty building, on a nice street, near a busy shopping center next to the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW,) to the winner of her easy-essay contest. A list of “Ten Reasons Why I Deserve to Win Andrea’s Condo in St. Catharines Ontario” with full contact info is required. Send to: info@AndreaReynolds.com
It’s not the HGTV Dream Home, but it’s a clean, bright, home…. And it’s furnished with loveseats, chairs, tables, beds, lamps, bookshelves, dishes, linens, and appliances: self-cleaning electric range/oven, frost-free fridge, and possibly a portable dishwasher. To move in just bring your own toothbrush.
At the front of 359 Geneva Street, in North St. Catharines, on the fourth floor, is a 3 bedroom, one-and-a-half-bath unit. The living room, dining room and master bedroom are carpeted. All the walls are being patched, scrubbed and painted with Benjamin Moore quality paints she won in – of course – a local radio essay contest. Repairs and upgrades will be completed before the winner moves in. Residents can park for free and there is an outdoor pool in the summer months.
Between coats of paint Reynolds is completing a 150 page book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million: 150 Smart Ways Leading Authorities Earn More Money and So Can You, which was gleaned from 30 years of her advice to physicians, lawyers, psychologists, chiropractors, authors, speakers and other consultants. She will sell 3,500 copies ($49 advance price; $89 after publication) to pay off the mortgage and other outstanding loans.
St. Catharines, known as The Garden City, is located in wine country and has a population of 130,000. A peninsula, the city is nearly surrounded by water: Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, and the Welland Canal. A “bedroom” community of Toronto (70 miles by QEW), St. Catharines is 12 miles from Lewiston, New York across the US border. Niagara Falls, the honeymoon capital, is only 5 minutes away.
Ten years ago, Reynolds, now 58, had a thriving public relations practice in downtown Toronto with a bed and breakfast business catering to authors on book tours. She was also a freelance broadcaster on CFRB radio and the Life Network. Then a late-night home invasion forced her to close down both businesses. After identifying the man who broke in, she was stalked and threatened for 4 months. She left everything behind and disappeared for 8 years where she was bullied by her adopted community for being a good citizen. She stopped in St. Catharines for a long lay-over and is ready to travel again.
At the age that all her friends are retiring, Reynolds looks forward to starting life over with nothing but her cat, computer and cargo van. She intends to earn $500,000 to fund her retirement, in two years or less, working from her office on wheels, interviewing experts, syndicating a newspaper column, and speaking to business audiences.
- - - E N D - - -
Friday, August 17, 2007
This could be your kitchen; win it or buy it.
This is the galley kitchen. I've just painted the end walls a pale green, and replaced the two 4 foot fluorescent bulbs in the ceiling. The cupboards go all the way up to the ceiling for lots of storage.

I will be replacing the faucet to an all stainless Moen one that will allow the dishwasher to be attached. This is a view of the sink from the other side:

And this is the self-cleaning electric oven-range and frost-free refrigerator.

I still want to give the ceiling a new coat of white paint this weekend.
Now, if you'd like to own this send your contest entry to me: Ten Reasons Why I Deserve to Own Andrea's Condo in St. Catharines. Send to : info@AndreaReynolds.com Or feel free to make me an offer.
I will be replacing the faucet to an all stainless Moen one that will allow the dishwasher to be attached. This is a view of the sink from the other side:
And this is the self-cleaning electric oven-range and frost-free refrigerator.
I still want to give the ceiling a new coat of white paint this weekend.
Now, if you'd like to own this send your contest entry to me: Ten Reasons Why I Deserve to Own Andrea's Condo in St. Catharines. Send to : info@AndreaReynolds.com Or feel free to make me an offer.
The silence is deafening
Last evening I had conversations with two men in my building, both owners, who have web sites promoting their businesses. (Remember I have been forbidden by my condo board to own a web site and have had my income destroyed for the past 10 months.) One man owns a thriving cleaning business, the other is a musician who created a CD right in his unit. I am so angry that it's OK for men in my building to own online businesses from the units they own, but I, a woman, am not. That smacks of discrimination.... and that my friends is unconstitutional. Boys and girls, can you say L-A-W-S-U-I-T?
The other thing that baffles me... there has been no response to my offer to give away my condo, fully furnished, in my contest. Is that because you don't believe I'm serious... or because you don't like how I've been treated by the board? Be assured, nobody else is being treated badly, just me. The mere fact that I have come up with the idea of holding a contest to give away a valuable home that is mortgage-free, tells you that I am an unusual person with unconventional ideas. So you can see why the board of directors, comprised of 5 stodgy, punitive people, would take a dislike to me. But there will be a new board of directors as of September 5. One has resigned one year into his 3 year term, #2 finished her one year term and will not stand again, #3 does not attend meetings and should step down or be replaced, #4 I don't know about, and #5 is expected to stay another year, but I think she needs to read Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms and step down.
Honestly, you aren't the least bit interested in winning a free condo which is next-door to Niagara Falls and 15 minutes from the New York State border? You'd be 70 miles from downtown Toronto. Talk to me. Send your entry to: info@AndreaReynolds.com
The other thing that baffles me... there has been no response to my offer to give away my condo, fully furnished, in my contest. Is that because you don't believe I'm serious... or because you don't like how I've been treated by the board? Be assured, nobody else is being treated badly, just me. The mere fact that I have come up with the idea of holding a contest to give away a valuable home that is mortgage-free, tells you that I am an unusual person with unconventional ideas. So you can see why the board of directors, comprised of 5 stodgy, punitive people, would take a dislike to me. But there will be a new board of directors as of September 5. One has resigned one year into his 3 year term, #2 finished her one year term and will not stand again, #3 does not attend meetings and should step down or be replaced, #4 I don't know about, and #5 is expected to stay another year, but I think she needs to read Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms and step down.
Honestly, you aren't the least bit interested in winning a free condo which is next-door to Niagara Falls and 15 minutes from the New York State border? You'd be 70 miles from downtown Toronto. Talk to me. Send your entry to: info@AndreaReynolds.com
Thursday, August 16, 2007
They consider ME undesirable as a resident, because I write. Not YOU.
You won't have the same problems that I'm having with the board. The property manager and board of directors bully and harass me only because I am an educated, intelligent, articulate, WOMAN who has good business sense. They feel that women should stay home and be mothers; or if they must work, it should be only as a domestic so they don't take jobs away from men. I've been ridiculed for owning a computer, and told I must take down my web site because it is forbidden for me to own an Internet business. Seriously. They put it in writing!
The board only hates ME. They don't like women writers and have forbidden me to write books on my computer in my own home, earn an income by selling books online and even owning a web site. They wrote me a Cease and Desist letter. They have deprived me of 100% of my income for the past 9 months. And when I try to stand up for my rights they make life more difficult for me. They have deprived me of my rights under Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the federal constitution. The noise is their attempt to keep me from having quiet in order to write. (So childish.)
The noise I spoke of is to keep me from writing and to make selling my unit difficult. When I leave, they will stop. They won't harass anyone else. Upstairs they are painting, just as I am, so the banging and hammering is completely unneccessary. They are just making noise to make noise. It's OK to have a noisy wood-working shop in your unit, but typing on a computer keyboard is too noisy. (That's sarcasm.)
There are many retired people who own and some young families and singles who rent. They like people who have jobs outside the building, and who stay home and live on government assistance, permanent disabiity, or pensions. Many retired residents worked at the General Motors plant, many have less than a high school diploma, Some didn't finish grade school. So a woman who writes books and has a university degree in business is held in contempt. (I haven't told them I studied at Oxford, that would really irk them.)
I went through 8 years of this bullying and harassment back in Pennsylvania before I moved to St. Catharines, so I've endured 10 full years of this. In Toronto I was treated like a celebrity, quoted often in the business press and appearing frequently on talk radio and national TV as an expert. Hence my desire to hit the road and meet people who celebrate intelligence, wisdom and integrity and who don't try to oppress bright people who think and write.
The board has been slow about doing important repairs - they even created an eyesore on my balcony to discourage buyers - that they won't allow me to repair and realtors told me they won't list my unit until the work is done. The board is deliberately making selling difficult FOR ME. They will like you... so long as you're not a writer who needs to have a web site to earn a living.
I think my contest will get the press and media involved and I'm hoping the exposure and public support will cause the condo board to start treating people like me better. But I'm not going to sugar coat how the board has treated me. And I'm not going to let what they have done to me happen to anyone who wins my condo, but I'm also not going to let them get away with how they have treated me.
Bullying and harassing writers smacks of Ray Bradbury's book about book burning, "Fahrenheit 451." And I just happen to have a copy of that book, autographed by him. I'll sell it to you for $152,000! (grin)
The board only hates ME. They don't like women writers and have forbidden me to write books on my computer in my own home, earn an income by selling books online and even owning a web site. They wrote me a Cease and Desist letter. They have deprived me of 100% of my income for the past 9 months. And when I try to stand up for my rights they make life more difficult for me. They have deprived me of my rights under Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the federal constitution. The noise is their attempt to keep me from having quiet in order to write. (So childish.)
The noise I spoke of is to keep me from writing and to make selling my unit difficult. When I leave, they will stop. They won't harass anyone else. Upstairs they are painting, just as I am, so the banging and hammering is completely unneccessary. They are just making noise to make noise. It's OK to have a noisy wood-working shop in your unit, but typing on a computer keyboard is too noisy. (That's sarcasm.)
There are many retired people who own and some young families and singles who rent. They like people who have jobs outside the building, and who stay home and live on government assistance, permanent disabiity, or pensions. Many retired residents worked at the General Motors plant, many have less than a high school diploma, Some didn't finish grade school. So a woman who writes books and has a university degree in business is held in contempt. (I haven't told them I studied at Oxford, that would really irk them.)
I went through 8 years of this bullying and harassment back in Pennsylvania before I moved to St. Catharines, so I've endured 10 full years of this. In Toronto I was treated like a celebrity, quoted often in the business press and appearing frequently on talk radio and national TV as an expert. Hence my desire to hit the road and meet people who celebrate intelligence, wisdom and integrity and who don't try to oppress bright people who think and write.
The board has been slow about doing important repairs - they even created an eyesore on my balcony to discourage buyers - that they won't allow me to repair and realtors told me they won't list my unit until the work is done. The board is deliberately making selling difficult FOR ME. They will like you... so long as you're not a writer who needs to have a web site to earn a living.
I think my contest will get the press and media involved and I'm hoping the exposure and public support will cause the condo board to start treating people like me better. But I'm not going to sugar coat how the board has treated me. And I'm not going to let what they have done to me happen to anyone who wins my condo, but I'm also not going to let them get away with how they have treated me.
Bullying and harassing writers smacks of Ray Bradbury's book about book burning, "Fahrenheit 451." And I just happen to have a copy of that book, autographed by him. I'll sell it to you for $152,000! (grin)
I'm giving away my condo in St. Catharines Ontario... You could win!
The board of directors in my condo is making it painfully clear they want me out of the building. Why? For the outrageous reason that I have a web site and I write this blog and they won't permit my writing and having an online presence. If I were a man that would be OK. They allow male residents to gamble online to generate income, but women aren't allowed to write self-help books (even when one of the directors bought 3 of them!). I have had to give up nearly 100% of my income and they still want me out.
Yesterday I had a migraine headache and had so much hammering from the neighbors upstairs AND from the other side of my bedroom wall that I had to escape from my own home to find peace and quiet outdoors and in my van. I also heard a loud bang on my balcony's steel rail and saw that a 2 foot long piece of wood had fallen from the workman above me. Had that hit someone below it could have caused a head laceration or a concussion. I've endured 6-7 weeks of this every day, including Sundays, and have reached my limit. I've been waiting to paint my balcony for all this time but don't want to get sawdust stuck in the wet paint.

So, I've made a decision... I'm going to give away my condo. Yes, a 3 bedroom condo, fully furnished with beds and linens, and towels, and dishes, and lamps and glassware, and good china. Whoever wins my condo, can move in immediately.
What's the catch? I have to sell 3,500 of my "Your Wisdom is Worth a Million" e-books. This is not a raffle, which makes many people uncomfortable. Any adult is welcome to enter with a list of "Ten Reasons Why I Deserve to Win Andrea's Condo in St. Catharines". I will choose the winning entry based on a number of factors: originality, sincerity, passion, and integrity.
While no purchase is necessary to enter, and no purchase will enhance your chances of winning, I can only give the condo away if I have sold 3,500 books at $49 each ($45 net after transaction fees). Once I have the 150 page book completed and am ready to deliver it to buyers, the price of the book will increase to $89. Raising the price can reduce the number of books I must sell. Click on today's heading for details and order info about the book.
I am hoping that people will want to buy a copy, or copies, not just to help me out financially - remember I've had to forfeit an income for the past 10 years because of unusual circumstances - but that they will buy copies because they truly want to learn the valuable financial information contained in the pages. The faster I am able to sell 3,500 copies, the sooner I can give the condo away and the sooner I can get out on the road and start a new chapter in my life. (Pun intended.)
What will I do with the money from book sales? Nearly all of it will pay off the $126,000 mortgage, the $6,000 mortgage penalty for early termination of the mortgage, the $13,000 worth of debts I have accumulated because my condo association's board won't allow me to earn an income, and the $9,000 loan on my van. After paying for all the things I need (lawyer's fees, passport, resident card, auto club membership, generator, monthly storage fees, etc.) I will be lucky to start off on my odyssey with $500 to $1,000 in hand. I will be home-less, but debt-free with a clean slate, ready to generate $500,000.
There will be an FAQ on my web site in the next few weeks. In the meantime, feel free to post a comment or a question below. I'll answer them in this blog as well as in the contest FAQ on my banned web site.
If I cannot sell 3,500 copies of my book, and the months drag on, I may have to abandon the "contest" for a cash sale. The point of the contest is to find a new owner faster and get on the road faster. I'm drafting a news release to send to newspapers, radio and TV stations next week. So you have advance knowledge of my contest. If you want a free condo send me your entry. Plain text email is good; attachments are NOT good. Full contact info is good; anonymous entries will be disqualified.
Yesterday I had a migraine headache and had so much hammering from the neighbors upstairs AND from the other side of my bedroom wall that I had to escape from my own home to find peace and quiet outdoors and in my van. I also heard a loud bang on my balcony's steel rail and saw that a 2 foot long piece of wood had fallen from the workman above me. Had that hit someone below it could have caused a head laceration or a concussion. I've endured 6-7 weeks of this every day, including Sundays, and have reached my limit. I've been waiting to paint my balcony for all this time but don't want to get sawdust stuck in the wet paint.
So, I've made a decision... I'm going to give away my condo. Yes, a 3 bedroom condo, fully furnished with beds and linens, and towels, and dishes, and lamps and glassware, and good china. Whoever wins my condo, can move in immediately.
What's the catch? I have to sell 3,500 of my "Your Wisdom is Worth a Million" e-books. This is not a raffle, which makes many people uncomfortable. Any adult is welcome to enter with a list of "Ten Reasons Why I Deserve to Win Andrea's Condo in St. Catharines". I will choose the winning entry based on a number of factors: originality, sincerity, passion, and integrity.
While no purchase is necessary to enter, and no purchase will enhance your chances of winning, I can only give the condo away if I have sold 3,500 books at $49 each ($45 net after transaction fees). Once I have the 150 page book completed and am ready to deliver it to buyers, the price of the book will increase to $89. Raising the price can reduce the number of books I must sell. Click on today's heading for details and order info about the book.
I am hoping that people will want to buy a copy, or copies, not just to help me out financially - remember I've had to forfeit an income for the past 10 years because of unusual circumstances - but that they will buy copies because they truly want to learn the valuable financial information contained in the pages. The faster I am able to sell 3,500 copies, the sooner I can give the condo away and the sooner I can get out on the road and start a new chapter in my life. (Pun intended.)
What will I do with the money from book sales? Nearly all of it will pay off the $126,000 mortgage, the $6,000 mortgage penalty for early termination of the mortgage, the $13,000 worth of debts I have accumulated because my condo association's board won't allow me to earn an income, and the $9,000 loan on my van. After paying for all the things I need (lawyer's fees, passport, resident card, auto club membership, generator, monthly storage fees, etc.) I will be lucky to start off on my odyssey with $500 to $1,000 in hand. I will be home-less, but debt-free with a clean slate, ready to generate $500,000.
There will be an FAQ on my web site in the next few weeks. In the meantime, feel free to post a comment or a question below. I'll answer them in this blog as well as in the contest FAQ on my banned web site.
If I cannot sell 3,500 copies of my book, and the months drag on, I may have to abandon the "contest" for a cash sale. The point of the contest is to find a new owner faster and get on the road faster. I'm drafting a news release to send to newspapers, radio and TV stations next week. So you have advance knowledge of my contest. If you want a free condo send me your entry. Plain text email is good; attachments are NOT good. Full contact info is good; anonymous entries will be disqualified.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Help me syndicate my column to help you build an advice empire
I'm convinced that ordinary people can turn their passions into lucrative practices and advice empires. My column "Advice Empire" will answer your questions on how to increase your revenues by selling more of your advice in multiple ways. Think: Martha Stewart, Dr. Phil McGraw, Julia Child, Steve Irwin, Suze Orman, Iyanla Van Zant, John Gray, John Bradshaw, Richard Simmons, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Charles Givens, Kim Komando, Debbie Travis, Sue Johanson, Brian Costello, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Dr. David Suzuki. To learn more about my column, click on today's heading.
You are very welcome to help me make my column a success. Here are some ways:
1. Tell me why you would like your newspaper to carry my column.
2. Tell me the name of your newspaper and where it is (town/city, state/province).
3. Send me some questions to answer in future columns.
4. Ask your newspaper to contact me for a sample column to publish.
5. Sponsor the column so I can give it to your newspaper for free.
6. Become one of my private investors.
7. Bring me to your town or city to speak so I can promote the column to your paper in person.
8. Subscribe to my column privately (52 weeks) for a $99 fee.
9. Buy my forthcoming E-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million (before the price goes up.)
10. Buy lots of my other books, e-books. (For a list of titles: on my web site, click on "Order Books".
Thanks for your support,
You are very welcome to help me make my column a success. Here are some ways:
1. Tell me why you would like your newspaper to carry my column.
2. Tell me the name of your newspaper and where it is (town/city, state/province).
3. Send me some questions to answer in future columns.
4. Ask your newspaper to contact me for a sample column to publish.
5. Sponsor the column so I can give it to your newspaper for free.
6. Become one of my private investors.
7. Bring me to your town or city to speak so I can promote the column to your paper in person.
8. Subscribe to my column privately (52 weeks) for a $99 fee.
9. Buy my forthcoming E-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million (before the price goes up.)
10. Buy lots of my other books, e-books. (For a list of titles: on my web site, click on "Order Books".
Thanks for your support,
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Small personal accomplishments
Yesterday and today I got a few things done on my to-do list, some were first time events that had me a little intimidated, but I did them and feel some degree of achievement....
Touched up some scratches on the back and sides of my van,
Bought and replaced the 2 four-foot long fluorescent tubes in my kitchen's ceiling fixture,
Put the kickstand on my bicycle and it actually works properly for the first time in 3 years,
Updated my account info on my 6 domains and realized I need to renew in a few weeks.
Posted my first item for sale on Craig's list. Click on today's heading to see what it is.
Got up on a ladder in my hall to paint the edging and corners.

One of my neighbors passed me in the lobby carrying a white toilet seat. The Super asked what he was going to do with it and he said: get rid of it. I took it just as I was about to ascend in the elevator. It was used but exactly like the one I wanted to replace. So I took off the old seat, cleaned both, attached the new one, and used my old one to replace the cracked wooden one in my powder room. So I saved $40, and was able to cross 2 items off my wish list. Now I can Freecycle the wood one. Want it?
Now if I could just get my neighbors above me to stop walking across their bare floors in their hard soled shoes and to put felt pads on the feet of the furniture they like to drag across the floor several times a day. I wish my Spanish vocabulary was better... I'm trying to write them a note.
Touched up some scratches on the back and sides of my van,
Bought and replaced the 2 four-foot long fluorescent tubes in my kitchen's ceiling fixture,
Put the kickstand on my bicycle and it actually works properly for the first time in 3 years,
Updated my account info on my 6 domains and realized I need to renew in a few weeks.
Posted my first item for sale on Craig's list. Click on today's heading to see what it is.
Got up on a ladder in my hall to paint the edging and corners.

One of my neighbors passed me in the lobby carrying a white toilet seat. The Super asked what he was going to do with it and he said: get rid of it. I took it just as I was about to ascend in the elevator. It was used but exactly like the one I wanted to replace. So I took off the old seat, cleaned both, attached the new one, and used my old one to replace the cracked wooden one in my powder room. So I saved $40, and was able to cross 2 items off my wish list. Now I can Freecycle the wood one. Want it?
Now if I could just get my neighbors above me to stop walking across their bare floors in their hard soled shoes and to put felt pads on the feet of the furniture they like to drag across the floor several times a day. I wish my Spanish vocabulary was better... I'm trying to write them a note.
Commission-Free Speakers - a new idea in generating bookings for speakers
I'm launching a speaker directory online called Commission-Free Speakers at a very, very low fee for a year (until Sept.) and speakers who list are free to speak for free and negotiate their own fees without me. No commissions, and no expectations of other fees by me. It will work because it's what speakers have shown me they prefer. I'll be promoting the directory as I travel from city to city across and around the US and Canada on my own speaking tour which will start next month. It's in prototype format and will be moved to its own domain, CommissionFreeSpeakers.com in a month or two. Click on the heading above to see the prototype site.

As the name says, there are no commissions because I don't provide any services beyond promoting the directory to meeting planners. To show that I do have the ear of meeting planners, Here's an article in which I was interviewed for Exhibitor magazine: http://www.exhibitoronline.com/exhibitormagazine/article.asp?ID=656
Separate from the directory, I am a speaker advocate and marketing consultant to consultants and specialists, negotiating larger fees, quantity book sales and better contract terms for speakers. I also produce some manuals for speakers, which will be e-books shortly, and some services. See: http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/books.html and http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/store.html
As a former speaker agency owner, I promoted more than 50 speakers on my speaker agency web site just as I had done before the Internet. Because of the Internet meeting planners could find speakers on my web site and then Google them to engage them without my knowledge. Speakers could then either speak for free to avoid paying me a commission because I had, in their minds, done no work for them. So I never got the opportunity to double or triple their fees for them. So, recognizing I had to be the one to change the way I played the game, and being the contrarian that I am, I turned things around so it works for everyone.
As the name says, there are no commissions because I don't provide any services beyond promoting the directory to meeting planners. To show that I do have the ear of meeting planners, Here's an article in which I was interviewed for Exhibitor magazine: http://www.exhibitoronline.com/exhibitormagazine/article.asp?ID=656
Separate from the directory, I am a speaker advocate and marketing consultant to consultants and specialists, negotiating larger fees, quantity book sales and better contract terms for speakers. I also produce some manuals for speakers, which will be e-books shortly, and some services. See: http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/books.html and http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/store.html
As a former speaker agency owner, I promoted more than 50 speakers on my speaker agency web site just as I had done before the Internet. Because of the Internet meeting planners could find speakers on my web site and then Google them to engage them without my knowledge. Speakers could then either speak for free to avoid paying me a commission because I had, in their minds, done no work for them. So I never got the opportunity to double or triple their fees for them. So, recognizing I had to be the one to change the way I played the game, and being the contrarian that I am, I turned things around so it works for everyone.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Are you willing to barter with me for a place to park overnight when I'm on tour?
Originally I was planning to barter an hour of my time doing household chores, but I have re-thought this. The value of a place to park overnight plus some electricity, water, and Internet connection will probably not exceed $10. In order to generate enough income to build a retirement fund I can live on, while I am still able, I need to utilize my income-generating time effectively. My professional rate as a consultant is more than $400 an hour, so to give up that time and potential income to do household chores works against my best interests.
But I am happy to offer an e-book or two of a value to be negotiated - depending on what a family/homeowner is willing to offer in return. I can also offer cash as payment if a book is not desired.
Which of these would you be willing to provide if I'm in your area?
1. Safe place to park in your driveway or parking lot for 24 hours or more.
2. Safe place to park on vacant land for several nights where I can set up a tent, hammock, 12 x 14 screened gazebo, 9 x 9 pavillion for shade so we don't have to stay in a 90 degree van.
3. Connection to electricity to recharge laptop and cell phone, to cook, and have air conditioning or heat.
4. Intenet connection: wireless, cable, dialup?
5. Freezing freezer packs to keep food chilled.
6. Permission to dump waste, garbage.
7. A private, hot shower.
8. Place to cook a meal outside of the van.
Which book or books or services would you want in exchange?
I'm open to your offer at any time, now or later. I'm not looking for a handout; I'm looking for quiet, safe places where I can write and work quietly and I will pay something of value for the privilege. We can finalize the terms of our agreement just prior to my arriving in your town.
But I am happy to offer an e-book or two of a value to be negotiated - depending on what a family/homeowner is willing to offer in return. I can also offer cash as payment if a book is not desired.
Which of these would you be willing to provide if I'm in your area?
1. Safe place to park in your driveway or parking lot for 24 hours or more.
2. Safe place to park on vacant land for several nights where I can set up a tent, hammock, 12 x 14 screened gazebo, 9 x 9 pavillion for shade so we don't have to stay in a 90 degree van.
3. Connection to electricity to recharge laptop and cell phone, to cook, and have air conditioning or heat.
4. Intenet connection: wireless, cable, dialup?
5. Freezing freezer packs to keep food chilled.
6. Permission to dump waste, garbage.
7. A private, hot shower.
8. Place to cook a meal outside of the van.
Which book or books or services would you want in exchange?
I'm open to your offer at any time, now or later. I'm not looking for a handout; I'm looking for quiet, safe places where I can write and work quietly and I will pay something of value for the privilege. We can finalize the terms of our agreement just prior to my arriving in your town.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
How I'm marketing my 3 bedroom condo in St. Catharines Ontario
Five things so far:
1. Upgrading the unit with new paint everywhere - every room, every door, and the balcony - and replacing items like fuse box for a new breaker panel, sink faucet, etc. The old paint was grey and purple HIGH GLOSS. Now it's calming, neutral tan and ivory eggshell enamel... all Benjamin Moore quality paints.
2. Adding another $500 to the asking price each day to motivate buyers to buy TODAY, and not wait another day. Today the Asking Price is $141,500. Tomorrow it will be $142,000. When I bought it 2 years ago the asking price was $145,900 and it was dirty, dusty and tattered. The more work I do, the higher the price.
3. Offering a $1000 finders fee, upped from $500. I'll do all the work, showing it, answering questions, providing the blank offer, negotiating the terms, etc. It should be little or no work for you. All you would have to do is: bring me a prospective buyer who:
a. wants a condo and not a house,
b. understands about living in condos,
c. has pre-approval from a lender for financing or has cash,
d. has a down payment secured,
e. has looked at other condos - this isn't the first one to be viewed,
f. does not have to finder a buyer for his/her home or wait for a lease to end,
g. smokes or doesn't mind smoke from neighbors's balconies,
h. doesn't need me to spend hours educating her/him about buying a home, living in a condo,
i. IDEALLY: would like to take all the furniture and furnishings too,
j. could take possession as soon as September 1, or very soon after.
I ask that I be given 24 hours to put away tools, dismantle my office and make the place presentable so it shows well.
4. Uploading photos to my web site. Click on today's heading to see older photos. I am way behind in taking new photos as I don't have a digital camera, so you can't see the work I've been doing. New photo of dining room below:
5. Offering to let bona fide prospective buyers spend 24 hours in the unit to see if they would like living here. This is not free accommodation for everyone. I require written proof of a lending institution's mortgage or loan approval first.
Contact me by email if you have a buyer for my condo.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Here's how I can help you earn some extra income
1. Earn a finder's fee by recommending me as a speaker
I used to do a lot of paid speaking at conferences, conventions and dinner meetings and I'd like to do it again. I'm a reasonably good speaker. Good voice, passion, lots of useful money-making and problem-solving ideas, sprinkled with a little humor. (If I can make 600 chartered accountants laugh and give me a standing ovation I must have some skill as a speaker.)
Here's the challenge, I've been out of the public eye for 10 years. If you would recommend me as a speaker, I am happy to provide from 5% to 30% of my speaking fee to you, depending on the degree of your involvement in procuring the engagement. How much would that be worth to you?
Examples: 10% of a $500 talk is $50. 20% of a $2,500 keynote speech on Building a One Person Advice Empire is $500 in your pocket. 30% of a $10,000 seminar is $3,000. I've been a speaker advocate (like an agent) who negotiates fees and better contract terms for speakers so I'd get the highest fees possible (and so would you).
What is required is connections with high-paying business or professional organizations who pay speakers, preferably on the state, regional or national level.
2. Provide personal, household and business services through my Handy Ande agency
I'm rebuilding my "personal concierge" agency" for homemakers, college students, and other adults who want some freelance assignments using their unique skills. The web site you see is geared to promoting my own services solely, but that's because I relocated from the US to Canada and wanted to promote the concept before I started taking on "staff" or "team members" like you.
The way it would work is I promote the company on radio, TV and newspapers, as I travel from city to city, town to town and generate freelance assignments. WhenI give you an assignment, I do the billing to the client, get 20% off the top, sending you 80%. You decide what kinds of services you are competent to provide and what your rate will be. Usually you will receive payment within 24 hours of completing an assignment to a client's satisfaction. You would require a PayPal account so I can pay you quickly.
Want more info? Read this first: http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/handyande/work.html
For examples of services offered, click on today's heading.
If this interests you, give me a list of the kinds of work you like to do and do well - they don't have to be the ones I've listed; add you own - and some background/credentials. Also, I want to know what location (city and area) appeals to you, and you can get to easily and on time. It is helpful to have an email address and a cell phone number so I can contact you on short notice.
Note: I'm getting requests for work assignments in towns and cities where I don't have staff to accept the work. My goal is to have 500 Handy Andes earning a good income across the United States and Canada.
I used to do a lot of paid speaking at conferences, conventions and dinner meetings and I'd like to do it again. I'm a reasonably good speaker. Good voice, passion, lots of useful money-making and problem-solving ideas, sprinkled with a little humor. (If I can make 600 chartered accountants laugh and give me a standing ovation I must have some skill as a speaker.)
Here's the challenge, I've been out of the public eye for 10 years. If you would recommend me as a speaker, I am happy to provide from 5% to 30% of my speaking fee to you, depending on the degree of your involvement in procuring the engagement. How much would that be worth to you?
Examples: 10% of a $500 talk is $50. 20% of a $2,500 keynote speech on Building a One Person Advice Empire is $500 in your pocket. 30% of a $10,000 seminar is $3,000. I've been a speaker advocate (like an agent) who negotiates fees and better contract terms for speakers so I'd get the highest fees possible (and so would you).
What is required is connections with high-paying business or professional organizations who pay speakers, preferably on the state, regional or national level.
2. Provide personal, household and business services through my Handy Ande agency
I'm rebuilding my "personal concierge" agency" for homemakers, college students, and other adults who want some freelance assignments using their unique skills. The web site you see is geared to promoting my own services solely, but that's because I relocated from the US to Canada and wanted to promote the concept before I started taking on "staff" or "team members" like you.
The way it would work is I promote the company on radio, TV and newspapers, as I travel from city to city, town to town and generate freelance assignments. WhenI give you an assignment, I do the billing to the client, get 20% off the top, sending you 80%. You decide what kinds of services you are competent to provide and what your rate will be. Usually you will receive payment within 24 hours of completing an assignment to a client's satisfaction. You would require a PayPal account so I can pay you quickly.
Want more info? Read this first: http://www.AndreaReynolds.com/handyande/work.html
For examples of services offered, click on today's heading.
If this interests you, give me a list of the kinds of work you like to do and do well - they don't have to be the ones I've listed; add you own - and some background/credentials. Also, I want to know what location (city and area) appeals to you, and you can get to easily and on time. It is helpful to have an email address and a cell phone number so I can contact you on short notice.
Note: I'm getting requests for work assignments in towns and cities where I don't have staff to accept the work. My goal is to have 500 Handy Andes earning a good income across the United States and Canada.
Friday, August 10, 2007
People give up far too easily and work against their own best interests
I was involved in a discussion on a local community forum about a large utility company that was bullying and exploiting a number of people, some of whom were elderly. I restated that I had a service that fought on behalf of people who were too worn down or timid to fight for justice for themselves, and I was told that if I really cared I would offer my services for free and take a minimum fee once I won everyone's money back for them. They think I should work full-time for several months on their behalf, and then get $20 for my effort once I'm successful. I don't think so. I'm not a Fairy Godmother and I haven't taken a Vow of Poverty.
There are other options that would work for both of us.... if they would just take the time to look at my web site. If my "neighbors" were smart they would band together, collect their documentation, pool their money, and come to me with an offer: X dollars to represent them as a bunch. They could also click on the payment page on my web site and see that I offer multiple ways to pay me that are a little unconventional They can pay me in gift cards, postage stamps, Canadian Tire money, and even items on my wishlist that they may have sitting unused in their garage or a closet. Got a digital camera? Pay me with that. Good at sign painting? I'll need lettering on the sides of my van. Make me an offer; I might accept.
Yesterday I was purchasing cans of cat food, and remembered I had a $5 gift certificate from completing a survey, so I used it and my out-of-pocket cost was $.82. The cashier said hardly anyone cashes in his coupon. Hey, send them all to me!
I have offered a dozen or so people a free listing on my online speaker directory. Only 2 people have taken advantage of my offer, and both have provided only the most basic info to promote them as a speaker. The others have missed my deadline for responding. Right now the value is only $49 a year, but in a few weeks the value will be $695. They may regret the missed opportunity.
Here's another missed opportunity..... Every day someone wants me to provide advice or services to them but they say they can't afford to pay me. So every year I hold an essay contest to give away $500 or $1000 worth of my services and books and none of these complainers enters the contest. There's no fee, just a short essay. And even the person I select as the winner doesn't bother to collect the entire prize or even say thank you. What's with that?
My point? Stop saying no to opportunities that are right in front of you, and make some effort.
There are other options that would work for both of us.... if they would just take the time to look at my web site. If my "neighbors" were smart they would band together, collect their documentation, pool their money, and come to me with an offer: X dollars to represent them as a bunch. They could also click on the payment page on my web site and see that I offer multiple ways to pay me that are a little unconventional They can pay me in gift cards, postage stamps, Canadian Tire money, and even items on my wishlist that they may have sitting unused in their garage or a closet. Got a digital camera? Pay me with that. Good at sign painting? I'll need lettering on the sides of my van. Make me an offer; I might accept.
Yesterday I was purchasing cans of cat food, and remembered I had a $5 gift certificate from completing a survey, so I used it and my out-of-pocket cost was $.82. The cashier said hardly anyone cashes in his coupon. Hey, send them all to me!
I have offered a dozen or so people a free listing on my online speaker directory. Only 2 people have taken advantage of my offer, and both have provided only the most basic info to promote them as a speaker. The others have missed my deadline for responding. Right now the value is only $49 a year, but in a few weeks the value will be $695. They may regret the missed opportunity.
Here's another missed opportunity..... Every day someone wants me to provide advice or services to them but they say they can't afford to pay me. So every year I hold an essay contest to give away $500 or $1000 worth of my services and books and none of these complainers enters the contest. There's no fee, just a short essay. And even the person I select as the winner doesn't bother to collect the entire prize or even say thank you. What's with that?
My point? Stop saying no to opportunities that are right in front of you, and make some effort.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Promote your book, product, store, web site on my van.
This is the red 2002 Ford E-250 Econoline van I will travel and live in for at least a year, maybe two. I will meander slowly across and around the USA and Canada. I will park in visible spots like big stores and radio and TV stations, churches, schools and universities so lots of people will see it. I will travel the small roads and the superhighways.

There are two blank spaces on my van. This is the longer side (9 feet) and the other side is shorter (about 6 feet) because of the double window side doors. For the right price you can have your logo/product/name/Web site emblazoned on both sides or I can offer each side to two compatible corporations or organizations which meet my approval. I will be more likely to drive in the slow lane than the passing lane so the bigger side will be more visible when driving, but when parked am more likely to have the door side facing out for entering and for safety, so that side will be visible and the doors will not open far enough to cover any words or design on that side.
If nobody contacts me with a solid offer by the time I'm ready to leave I will put lettering on the van of my own design. But why miss a perfect promotional opportunity for your corporate message and identity?
Simly contact me with your offer, and feel free to be as creative as you like. I will also have window coverings in the front and side windows at night. If your logo is not large I could offer a better price and then can accommodate more logos and messages.
There are two blank spaces on my van. This is the longer side (9 feet) and the other side is shorter (about 6 feet) because of the double window side doors. For the right price you can have your logo/product/name/Web site emblazoned on both sides or I can offer each side to two compatible corporations or organizations which meet my approval. I will be more likely to drive in the slow lane than the passing lane so the bigger side will be more visible when driving, but when parked am more likely to have the door side facing out for entering and for safety, so that side will be visible and the doors will not open far enough to cover any words or design on that side.
If nobody contacts me with a solid offer by the time I'm ready to leave I will put lettering on the van of my own design. But why miss a perfect promotional opportunity for your corporate message and identity?
Simly contact me with your offer, and feel free to be as creative as you like. I will also have window coverings in the front and side windows at night. If your logo is not large I could offer a better price and then can accommodate more logos and messages.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Raising funds: Exploit my crazy idea while it lasts
It was nearly 10 years ago (Aug. 20, 1997) that I survived a home invasion. Imagine waking to the sound of shattering glass and then running down stairs to find a strange man climbing in your dining room window. The light was on so I could see his face clearly (and later was able to identify him in court). I yelled at him to get out and then picked up the phone and called 9-1-1. Right in front of him. Stupid move. If he had had a gun I wouldn't be here today. So, I'm feeling grateful to be alive.
Seemingly totally unrelated to the above, I'm in a cash crunch while I update my home for sale and pack my belongings for storage. You may have read that my condo board has forbidden me to have a web site and Internet business, sell books or promote my services or books by appearing on the radio or TV. They have virtually cut off 99% of my income for the past 9 months, crippling me financially. (Yes I plan to sue them, but not until I have sold my condo, or I could find myself in mortal danger again from retaliation.) Until then I'm struggling to keep the mortgage paid and the lights (and AC) on. I need to generate some income fast.
So I have decided to do something outrageous for the month of August, both to celebrate and to look after my financial needs. Here's the deal:
For the month of August you can negotiate your own price for any of my services and publications. If you've ever wanted to buy something or retain me but felt uncomfortable about discussing a price that fits your budget now is the time to ask. Don't be shy. Tell me what you want - your wishlist - and what you are willing to pay. I could counter-offer, I could say yes, but I won't say no if you're sincere and respectful.
My hope is that you will grab anything and everything that appeals to you. I don't have access to my web pages so I haven't changed the prices on the web pages.... but if you email me with the items you want, I can send you a PayPal request for payment for the items at the "new" price we agree to. I can also accept debit and credit cards by phone. Links to all items are found on my home page. (Click on today's subject heading.) Then look for links: "Order Books" and "Arrange Services".
Get creative. Load up all of August. If you want 10 of my 30 minute consults over the next year, let's negotiate a better rate now - confirmed with payment - and arrange them whenever you wish in coming months. Consider them as gift certificates for yourself.
This should be fun. I'm looking forward to receiving your email.
Seemingly totally unrelated to the above, I'm in a cash crunch while I update my home for sale and pack my belongings for storage. You may have read that my condo board has forbidden me to have a web site and Internet business, sell books or promote my services or books by appearing on the radio or TV. They have virtually cut off 99% of my income for the past 9 months, crippling me financially. (Yes I plan to sue them, but not until I have sold my condo, or I could find myself in mortal danger again from retaliation.) Until then I'm struggling to keep the mortgage paid and the lights (and AC) on. I need to generate some income fast.
So I have decided to do something outrageous for the month of August, both to celebrate and to look after my financial needs. Here's the deal:
For the month of August you can negotiate your own price for any of my services and publications. If you've ever wanted to buy something or retain me but felt uncomfortable about discussing a price that fits your budget now is the time to ask. Don't be shy. Tell me what you want - your wishlist - and what you are willing to pay. I could counter-offer, I could say yes, but I won't say no if you're sincere and respectful.
My hope is that you will grab anything and everything that appeals to you. I don't have access to my web pages so I haven't changed the prices on the web pages.... but if you email me with the items you want, I can send you a PayPal request for payment for the items at the "new" price we agree to. I can also accept debit and credit cards by phone. Links to all items are found on my home page. (Click on today's subject heading.) Then look for links: "Order Books" and "Arrange Services".
Get creative. Load up all of August. If you want 10 of my 30 minute consults over the next year, let's negotiate a better rate now - confirmed with payment - and arrange them whenever you wish in coming months. Consider them as gift certificates for yourself.
This should be fun. I'm looking forward to receiving your email.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
My weight loss challenge - you can help me.
Both of my doctors have urged me to lose weight; 50 pounds is recommended. I put the weight on first out of a need to change my appearance so I wouldn't be easily recognized, then to cushion myself from further "attacks". I decided to go bigger to look less attractive and to fit in with my neighbors at the time. I also let my hair turn grey without trying to keep up my natural auburn color. Now that I'm safer I need to get healthy again. Healthy is not carrying around an extra 50 pounds that just puts a strain on my heart and other organs.
I figure I can lose 5 pounds a month for the next 10 months. I've cut out a lof of sugar from my diet - no more ice cream, cookies or chocolate - and I'm eating more protein and vegetables, and drinking more water. I'm bike riding longer distances and more often. When the heat wave is over I'll add Pilates and Yoga to my routine. In the meantime I need some motivation to keep going. Here is where you come in. Give me some good reasons for losing weight... in terms of benefits.Here are some I've come up with.
When I lose weight.....
1. I won't bump into door frames so often.
2. It will be easier to get up into the driver's seat.
3. My clothes will fit and look better.
4. Men might actually look at me.
5. Men might actually ask me out on a date.
6. It will be easier to stand up from a squat position (when painting, etc.) without grunting.
7. I'll like seeing myself in the mirror.
8. I won't cringe when I see myself on the surveillance monitor at the bank.
9. I won't look 6 months pregnant anymore (I'm not).
10. I may look younger than I do now.
11. I'll be able to accept invitations to appear on national TV with confidence.
12. I'll have more energy and stamina.
13. I'll probably live longer.
14. It really will be the Spreading Prosperity Tour and not the Spreading Posterior Tour!
Please add more benefits I'll enjoy by losing 50 pounds of excess weight that you can think of. Thanks for supporting me.
I figure I can lose 5 pounds a month for the next 10 months. I've cut out a lof of sugar from my diet - no more ice cream, cookies or chocolate - and I'm eating more protein and vegetables, and drinking more water. I'm bike riding longer distances and more often. When the heat wave is over I'll add Pilates and Yoga to my routine. In the meantime I need some motivation to keep going. Here is where you come in. Give me some good reasons for losing weight... in terms of benefits.Here are some I've come up with.
When I lose weight.....
1. I won't bump into door frames so often.
2. It will be easier to get up into the driver's seat.
3. My clothes will fit and look better.
4. Men might actually look at me.
5. Men might actually ask me out on a date.
6. It will be easier to stand up from a squat position (when painting, etc.) without grunting.
7. I'll like seeing myself in the mirror.
8. I won't cringe when I see myself on the surveillance monitor at the bank.
9. I won't look 6 months pregnant anymore (I'm not).
10. I may look younger than I do now.
11. I'll be able to accept invitations to appear on national TV with confidence.
12. I'll have more energy and stamina.
13. I'll probably live longer.
14. It really will be the Spreading Prosperity Tour and not the Spreading Posterior Tour!
Please add more benefits I'll enjoy by losing 50 pounds of excess weight that you can think of. Thanks for supporting me.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
How I'm going to generate an income on the road
I'm 7 years away from retirement age and have no investments or retirement fund. (That's a long story for another time.) My plan is to work smart for the next 4-5 years, put a pile of money in the bank, live off the interest, then, when I'm gone, have the principal converted to a foundation that will award scholarships and business start up loans. Here are the steps I'm taking, in sequence:
1. Promote prepublication copies of my e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million,
2. Promote profiles on my new speaker directory of Commission-Free Speakers to promote on tour,
3. Start to get in shape to increase energy and stamina for living "homeless" with sporadic power,
4. Finish painting my condo and clean it to immaculate, move-in condition,
5. Find a buyer who can give me the best price and take over September 1,
6. Turn my reports and manuals into e-books,
7. Update 4 web sites,
8. Sell everything I can for as much as I can and give away what I can't sell,
9. Pay off all debt from the proceeds so I am debt-free: consumer credit cards, van loan and home mortgage,
10. Live frugally in my van with few possessions,
11. Generate publicity through the press and media to encourage invitations to speak and invitations to park overnight,
12. Generate an income while living permanently on the road by:
a. Syndicating a newspaper column,
b. Accepting sponsorships for promotion on my web pages and van,
c. Offering one day workshops on Building an Advice Empire,
d. Speaking to professional and business organizations,
e. Performing "Business Biopsies": identifying unhealthy symptoms of professional practices and prescribing "cures,"
f. Offering 30 minute marketing consults by phone and email,
g. Promoting speaker directory and other people's how-to books and columns to press and media as I promote mine,
h. Offering online training/support to students and adults who want to earn income by providing personal services,
i. Processing e-book sales and speaker profiles,
j. Do fun things like voice commercials, voice-mail announcements, etc.
k. Land a contract for a trilogy of books on "advice empires".
13. Visit newspapers and talk radio stations with news releases for potential interviews,
14. Visit people across the United States I have met through various Internet forums,
15. Offer payment or do a household chore in exchange for connection to electricity/Internet, shower, other necessities,
16. Interview leading authorities across the US and Canada for my column and future books,
17. Check out communities where I might want to relocate when I can no longer travel,
18. Post to this blog about my experiences and thoughts.
That's my plan. If you have questions or comments, please post below.
1. Promote prepublication copies of my e-book, Your Wisdom is Worth a Million,
2. Promote profiles on my new speaker directory of Commission-Free Speakers to promote on tour,
3. Start to get in shape to increase energy and stamina for living "homeless" with sporadic power,
4. Finish painting my condo and clean it to immaculate, move-in condition,
5. Find a buyer who can give me the best price and take over September 1,
6. Turn my reports and manuals into e-books,
7. Update 4 web sites,
8. Sell everything I can for as much as I can and give away what I can't sell,
9. Pay off all debt from the proceeds so I am debt-free: consumer credit cards, van loan and home mortgage,
10. Live frugally in my van with few possessions,
11. Generate publicity through the press and media to encourage invitations to speak and invitations to park overnight,
12. Generate an income while living permanently on the road by:
a. Syndicating a newspaper column,
b. Accepting sponsorships for promotion on my web pages and van,
c. Offering one day workshops on Building an Advice Empire,
d. Speaking to professional and business organizations,
e. Performing "Business Biopsies": identifying unhealthy symptoms of professional practices and prescribing "cures,"
f. Offering 30 minute marketing consults by phone and email,
g. Promoting speaker directory and other people's how-to books and columns to press and media as I promote mine,
h. Offering online training/support to students and adults who want to earn income by providing personal services,
i. Processing e-book sales and speaker profiles,
j. Do fun things like voice commercials, voice-mail announcements, etc.
k. Land a contract for a trilogy of books on "advice empires".
13. Visit newspapers and talk radio stations with news releases for potential interviews,
14. Visit people across the United States I have met through various Internet forums,
15. Offer payment or do a household chore in exchange for connection to electricity/Internet, shower, other necessities,
16. Interview leading authorities across the US and Canada for my column and future books,
17. Check out communities where I might want to relocate when I can no longer travel,
18. Post to this blog about my experiences and thoughts.
That's my plan. If you have questions or comments, please post below.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Why am I going on a tour?
Yesterday would have been a good day to tell you about my tour, but I write what is on my mind, and yesterday I was irked by my environment. I don't work as well in a messy environment. It stems from my training as a writer. My journalism instructor once said (I'm paraphrasing): "Before you can report on something you have to get your own house in order." He meant that you ought not report on someone else's wrong doings unless you yourself are without misdeeds. But I also liked the idea that you can't organize your thoughts if your immediate surroundings are in chaos. So I like to have a clean uncluttered work space before I sit down to write. it just feels more peaceful and I accomplish more when I feel calm.
About my tour....
I left Girard, Pennsylvania 2 years ago to start a tour of the US and Canada but the stress of the previous 7-8 years (more about that another time) had taken its toll on my health and I got as far as St. Catharines Ontario. So I got sidetracked and bought a condo, my first-ever home purchase. Big mistake. After running for the board of directors and being rejected in favor of men who have no business experience or management background, I have been harassed and bullied by the 5 members of the board of directors and the property manager... to the point of having my fundamental rights under Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms denied. So I am selling my condo at a loss in order to get away from the bullies. And then I can write about them without fear of retaliation.
I will resume my tour this fall, this time with a different purpose. Originally the mission of my tour was to teach about civility and empathy as an antidote to many of society's ills. Obviously that didn't work in my building. This time my mission is Spreading Prosperity. My passion is showing people how to generate more income as a consultant/advisor. I call it building an "advice empire". My clients over the past 30 years have been how-to authors, consultants, physicians, lawyers, speakers, etc. but business fell off drastically when I was unable to speak to associations, appear on radio and TV. Nobody would hire me because I have been invisible for nearly 10 years now. I want to be visible again, not to generate clients to promote and publicize as I did, but to promote myself as a speaker, consultant, author, teacher. I will generate an extraordinary income only if I assist others in generating excellent incomes. I also encourage people through one of my other businesses, Handy Ande, to start personal services businesses like personal shopping, errand running, pet sitting, organizing/decluttering, etc.
Considering that I have had very little income over the past 10 years, my plan is to sell everything I own, and travel and live in a 2002 Ford cargo van as my "poor man's RV."(Click on today's header at the top to see a photo of the van.) I plan to generate an income from which I can live in my old age when I can no longer work. I have no retirement funds or investments so this is definitely a working tour, not a vacation.
I will stop at newspaper offices to promote my business advice column, stop at talk radio stations to promote my books and businesses, consult by cell phone and email, write another book, and a bunch more activities which are listed on my web site's home page: http://www.AndreaReynolds.com
Necessarily, I will need to live very frugally, finding places to stay that cost little or nothing. By that I mean parking overnight in parking lots by permission (churches, shopping malls, schools) and in driveways of homes where I am invited. Without electricity I will need to either pay for or barter for electricity to recharge my cell phone and laptop - I have a 100 foot utility cord - Internet connection, freezing of ice packs for my cooler, empty waste, refill water jugs, even a hot shower, etc. I'm willing to do an hour of household chores in exchange and lots of people all over the US are taking me up on my offer. I'm not expecting a free bed or free meal. But I would love to be able to set up camp on a piece of level ground for a day or two. maybe an unoccupied section of a back yard, farm, or a private acreage. I have a tent, screened gazebo and a dog fence to confine the cat. I can't cook inside my van, and many parking lots don't allow cooking, and I don't want to spend money on fast food restaurants. I want to buy groceries and cook a decent hot meal every so often. Salads and fruit will be my mainstay, but some protein is important too. I'm a conservationist, a former girl scout and camp counselor so I know safety procedures and I leave a spot as I found it.
Next week I'll tell you about my Wish List which I am working on.
About my tour....
I left Girard, Pennsylvania 2 years ago to start a tour of the US and Canada but the stress of the previous 7-8 years (more about that another time) had taken its toll on my health and I got as far as St. Catharines Ontario. So I got sidetracked and bought a condo, my first-ever home purchase. Big mistake. After running for the board of directors and being rejected in favor of men who have no business experience or management background, I have been harassed and bullied by the 5 members of the board of directors and the property manager... to the point of having my fundamental rights under Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms denied. So I am selling my condo at a loss in order to get away from the bullies. And then I can write about them without fear of retaliation.
I will resume my tour this fall, this time with a different purpose. Originally the mission of my tour was to teach about civility and empathy as an antidote to many of society's ills. Obviously that didn't work in my building. This time my mission is Spreading Prosperity. My passion is showing people how to generate more income as a consultant/advisor. I call it building an "advice empire". My clients over the past 30 years have been how-to authors, consultants, physicians, lawyers, speakers, etc. but business fell off drastically when I was unable to speak to associations, appear on radio and TV. Nobody would hire me because I have been invisible for nearly 10 years now. I want to be visible again, not to generate clients to promote and publicize as I did, but to promote myself as a speaker, consultant, author, teacher. I will generate an extraordinary income only if I assist others in generating excellent incomes. I also encourage people through one of my other businesses, Handy Ande, to start personal services businesses like personal shopping, errand running, pet sitting, organizing/decluttering, etc.
Considering that I have had very little income over the past 10 years, my plan is to sell everything I own, and travel and live in a 2002 Ford cargo van as my "poor man's RV."(Click on today's header at the top to see a photo of the van.) I plan to generate an income from which I can live in my old age when I can no longer work. I have no retirement funds or investments so this is definitely a working tour, not a vacation.
I will stop at newspaper offices to promote my business advice column, stop at talk radio stations to promote my books and businesses, consult by cell phone and email, write another book, and a bunch more activities which are listed on my web site's home page: http://www.AndreaReynolds.com
Necessarily, I will need to live very frugally, finding places to stay that cost little or nothing. By that I mean parking overnight in parking lots by permission (churches, shopping malls, schools) and in driveways of homes where I am invited. Without electricity I will need to either pay for or barter for electricity to recharge my cell phone and laptop - I have a 100 foot utility cord - Internet connection, freezing of ice packs for my cooler, empty waste, refill water jugs, even a hot shower, etc. I'm willing to do an hour of household chores in exchange and lots of people all over the US are taking me up on my offer. I'm not expecting a free bed or free meal. But I would love to be able to set up camp on a piece of level ground for a day or two. maybe an unoccupied section of a back yard, farm, or a private acreage. I have a tent, screened gazebo and a dog fence to confine the cat. I can't cook inside my van, and many parking lots don't allow cooking, and I don't want to spend money on fast food restaurants. I want to buy groceries and cook a decent hot meal every so often. Salads and fruit will be my mainstay, but some protein is important too. I'm a conservationist, a former girl scout and camp counselor so I know safety procedures and I leave a spot as I found it.
Next week I'll tell you about my Wish List which I am working on.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My home is a mess
Great way to start a blog, by confessing my life is temporariy chaotic, eh? (I rarely say "eh?", but it fits here.) The truth is I'm a pretty organized person - I have a degree in home economics from Kent State University - but I have projects on the go that are waiting to be finished. At my age, if I put the necessary materials away, I'll forget where they are and then have to waste hours looking for them and gathering them all again.
For example, I have a pile of while metal pipes and a piece of green canvas that will make a nice gazebo awning to create shade for Casper (he's a cat) and I when we have a place to park the van. The awning, a gift through Freecycle, is waiting for a FedEx delivery so I can figure out how to put the metal poles together. No instructions. I washed the awning of dried grass clippings, cleaned the duct tape residue off the poles and discovered one of the corner brackets is missing. Without it, my 4 cornered awning will look like a broken umbrella. So I found the manufacturer who is sending me the bracket and a replacement for one of the base pieces that the poles fit into. (Ah, that reminds me: I need to pick up some stakes to hold the base plates in place.) As soon as I receive the delivery, I will erect the awning in my living room and draw myself a diagram of the proper assembly insructions. I'd rather do it now than when I am on the road.
In other parts of the house I have piles of other projects: everything I need to finish painting the balcony walls, everything to paint the kitchen, everything I need to replace the kitchen sink faucet. Etc.
The good news is I have To Do lists that I'm sticking to, and I'm getting things done that I've been putting off. One of the things I need to do before leaving Canada is getting all my medical tests done - free, under Ontario's health care plan - for a clean bill of health. Yesterday I booked a mammogram and bone mineral density test, confirmed a full medical exam with one doctor and confirmed another appointment with my gynecologist to discuss the pros and cons of HRT. Then I researched bus and train schedules to Toronto for my July 30 appointment. I'm proud of myself, considering how overwhelmed I feel.
For example, I have a pile of while metal pipes and a piece of green canvas that will make a nice gazebo awning to create shade for Casper (he's a cat) and I when we have a place to park the van. The awning, a gift through Freecycle, is waiting for a FedEx delivery so I can figure out how to put the metal poles together. No instructions. I washed the awning of dried grass clippings, cleaned the duct tape residue off the poles and discovered one of the corner brackets is missing. Without it, my 4 cornered awning will look like a broken umbrella. So I found the manufacturer who is sending me the bracket and a replacement for one of the base pieces that the poles fit into. (Ah, that reminds me: I need to pick up some stakes to hold the base plates in place.) As soon as I receive the delivery, I will erect the awning in my living room and draw myself a diagram of the proper assembly insructions. I'd rather do it now than when I am on the road.
In other parts of the house I have piles of other projects: everything I need to finish painting the balcony walls, everything to paint the kitchen, everything I need to replace the kitchen sink faucet. Etc.
The good news is I have To Do lists that I'm sticking to, and I'm getting things done that I've been putting off. One of the things I need to do before leaving Canada is getting all my medical tests done - free, under Ontario's health care plan - for a clean bill of health. Yesterday I booked a mammogram and bone mineral density test, confirmed a full medical exam with one doctor and confirmed another appointment with my gynecologist to discuss the pros and cons of HRT. Then I researched bus and train schedules to Toronto for my July 30 appointment. I'm proud of myself, considering how overwhelmed I feel.
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